Chapter 35

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The drive to this place was silent as hell, not even a single sound could be heard, except my breathing of course, I'm going crazy just sitting here with him.

The house we drive into looks nothing like an abandoned building like I'd expect him to do, neither does it look like a secret hideout.

He stops the car in front of the house and throws a glance my way.
"You look surprised"? He mutters out making me look at him with a bored expression "what were you expecting"? He asks as if taunting me, I almost roll my eyes at him.

"Something barbaric I guess" I mutter out sinking deep into the seat
"Like a basement" I whisper out, I'm not sure he heard me, but if he did, he doesn't react to it.

He gets out of the car and opens my side door for me, standing there and just watching me.

He's putting on his signature, black buttoned up shirt and black slacks, with his muscles looking so tense and firm.

"Get out" he snaps and I just roll my eyes at him, I'm the one that's going to help him bring his cousin back, the least he can do is to be nice.

I groan out before getting out of the car, the evening sun hits me, I don't know where we are as I look around but I know it's pretty far from Enzo.

Speaking about them, I cast a look towards Dimitri and then back at the drugs in the car, I don't know if I should let him know that his cousin may need serious medical attention, or if I'd only be fueling his anger by doing that, so I just shut my mouth.

The house looks neat from outside, I can only imagine what inside looks like.
I was thinking he'd grab my arm and drag me with him but he surprises me as he steps aside for me to have enough space.

He was staring at me intently with the most expressionless look one could ever muster up.
It was like he felt nothing at the moment.

He just started walking into the house leaving me standing there, the nerve

"Unless you want to stand there and watch me then I suggest you follow me принцесса" he muttered yet again calling me that stupid name in Russia whose meaning I don't know.

I groan out before actually following behind him, I can see the outline of his shoulders from behind and how good his muscles flex even from inside his shirt.

Stop thinking about him like that Cora

As we step into the house, I can't help but let my eyes wander around the beautiful decor, just as white as it is outside, so it is inside too.

The wall graced with beautiful works of arts, I noticed there aren't much furniture, save for the single couch in the middle of the living area, there's no TV either.

I sigh out still following behind him as he walks into what I'd assume is the kitchen

"You know the least you can do is to tell me why we're here" I mutter following behind him, he doesn't stop or act as though he'd heard me

He's so insufferable

"Are you going to kidnap me again"? I ask with frustration and a slight sadness to my tone as the memories of the last time flashed through my mind.

He just walks towards the cabinet and bring out a glass cup along with a wine bottle before pouring himself some, my eyes are trained on how his fingers flex around the cup, the tattoo on his fingers and the many knuckle rings making just a simple tasks so worth watching.

I swallow hard before moving my eyes up to meet his, already staring at me, no emotions in them.

"You're gonna help me break into Enzo's mansion" he says casually as if it's a normal thing to say

I'm shocked to the point that I don't even know when the words fly out of my mouth

"Are you crazy"? I almost yell, only when I see the clenching of his jaw, do I realize I may have pissed off the devil and it makes me take a step back a bit.
But still, is he crazy?

How does he want to achieve that?
Breaking into Enzo's house?
Does he have a death wish or something

"Are you kidding? How exactly do you want me to do that? Scratch that, why me"? I ask till shocked

His expression doesn't falter as he takes a swig of his drink still staring at me.
His eyes are on me as he does and my eyes move to his Adam apple as it bobs up and down.

"Two reasons, one you're the one close to them and they trust you...." I don't let him finish before I cut him off

"Yes that's because I'm family and not some spy" I groan out, he clenches his jaw again not commenting about me interrupting him

"Two, I know you care too much about Ivan to let him stay there" he says with conviction as if he's sure of it, it makes me gulp.

I looked away, trying to hide the obvious redness of my face and the nervousness I was currently feeling

"What makes you think I'll betray my sister and help you" I mutter out and I hear him drop the cup on the table before walking painfully slow towards me.

He stands in front of me before bending down close to my ears, I tense at the proximity.
I feel heat rush to my face and my palms become sweaty with anxiousness.

"Because, like I said, you care too much about my cousin to watch him suffer принцесса" he mutters before walking away from me

It takes a while before I snap out of the daze, I quickly tap on my cheek to reduce the blush.

I hate how easy little things gets me all heated, even though not in a good way, I put my hands on my chest and I can feel my heart thudding wildly.

I move closer to the counter and use it as a support system, God I can't do this.
I can't be around him, I shouldn't be around him.

I breathe out and relax a bit before I decide I was gonna go give him a peace of my mind, he can't just mess with me at will.

He's the outsider here and not the other way round
I March out of the kitchen to the living area, but he's not there, the place is void of any living thing.

I look outside through the windows and he's not there, his car still parked where we left it.

Only one place he'd be in.
Upstairs, God I so hate this place I find myself.
The earlier I get out of it, the better for me

Do you think she'll help him
Or he'll keep her locked up again??

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