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She rubbed and pat his back


Y-"it's time to get up baby"

Kaleb-"mm mm"

Y-"yes momma made brownies'

Kaleb-*whines I want u

He pushed himself up a little more she put her hand on his head and kissed it

Y-"u can't stay on me forever"


Y-"mm mm"


She sat up he pushed her down put his head in her neck and pulled her legs around him she smiled a little



King-"good morning Baltimore!!!"


King-"I'm sorry"


Y-"he won't get up"

King-"u have your legs wrapped around him rubbing his back"

Y-"he put me here"

King grabbed Kalebs leg



Kaleb-"your sister is going to loose a shirt"

Y-"he is holding onto my shirt"

Krystal came in with a plate of brownies

Krystal-"let the baby sleep he's tired"

She wafted the brownies to Kaleb and put them in the dresser his eyes opened like a lizards Krystal Laughed

Y-"u open your eyes for brownies but not to get up"


Krystal gave him one and a napkin he laid on his back between yns legs and bit into it and closed his eyes

Y-"u better not fall asleep eating that in my bed'

King-"too late"



Y-"get up boy"

Kaleb-"mm mm"

He turned back around laying on her chest

Kaleb-"want some".

He put it to her mouth she bit it he put his head back in her chest

Kaleb-"I'm never leaving"

Y-"u have to"

Kaleb-"nuh uh"


Kaleb-"night night"

Y-"no night night"

King-"u have fun with that"

Krystal-"I left u some milk good night"


They left Kaleb laughed a little

Y-"it's not funny"

Kaleb-"yes it is'

Skip Time

Yn came sprinting down the steps quietly and went under the table within seconds they heard Kaleb yelling

my random Ideas pt 3Where stories live. Discover now