Part 3

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(No One POV)

In the past month, Zoro found that it wasn't hard to doze off on the uncomfortable cross. It made his hunger more bearable and passed the time, though the occasional flashback dream was annoying. This time he dreamed of a girl he once sparred with, as well as the promise made between them.

"Hey, did you die already?" a feminine voice inquired as his cheek got poked.

Zoro jolted awake, alarmed that someone was able to sneak up on him. The hunger must be dulling his senses. Of course, once he recognized the figures in front of him, all he felt was irritation. "You two, again. Don't you have better things to do?"

"I'll untie you, but only if you promise to join my crew," Luffy said, cutting to the chase.

"You're crazy," the pirate hunter scoffed.

"Correction: he's an idiot," Lily said, lightly rapping her knuckles twice against her brother's skull. Luffy ignored her and insisted, "No, really! I run a pirate crew and I'm looking for people to join up."

"No way. I'd never stoop to joining up with a couple of criminals. Screw that business."

"You can't call us that. We haven't even done anything, yet," Lily said with a playful smirk.

"What's wrong with being a pirate, anyway?" Luffy asked.

"They're despicable! Like I'd ever want to join up with one."

"Aw, c'mon, gimme a break! Everyone already knows you as some viscous bounty hunter always out for blood."

"I'm still skeptical about those rumors, though," the white-haired girl yawned, plucking her bowstring absentmindedly. "Anyway, unless you have a very good reason that'll change my brother's mind, he's not gonna let you refuse. Luffy is more stubborn than you think."

"I thought you weren't all that eager for me to join your crew," Zoro remarked, giving her a skeptical look.

"I might not be eager, but I don't have a problem with it," she clarified. "After today, I decided you're not such a bad guy. That was my only real concern."

"Whatever. I've never done a single thing in my life that I regret and I'm not gonna change that by becoming a pirate." Smirking confidently, he added, "Don't even bother untying me. I will make it through this challenge, and after that I'll accomplish what I want."

"Yeah, that's great," Luffy said, not really listening, "but I've already decided you're gonna be on my crew!"

"What?! You can't do that!"

"I told ya, he's a stubborn idiot," Lily said with a small smile. "He's not likely to give up anytime soon."

"By the way, I hear you're one of the best swordsmen around," Luffy remarked, though Lily looked confused. She didn't recall anyone mentioning Zoro being a swordsman.

"Well, I am! But that idiot captain's son took my swords away," he grumbled.

"Guess I'll just have to go get it back for you," the straw hat boy declared, not noticing the plural in Zoro's complaint. "So if you want your sword, you're just gonna have to join my crew!"


Luffy laughed and ran off, surprising Zoro. "Wait, he's actually bust in there?"

"Believe it or not, it isn't the craziest thing he's ever done," Lily told him, sitting on the ground near him.

"Why aren't you going after him?" Zoro asked before noticing Luffy was going the wrong way. "Hey, genius! The base is in the other direction!"

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