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Imma clarify this again, just so that people aren't confused. I'm in the process of editing Ace, heavily, so parts in this aren't going to add up with the unedited version of Ace for a little while. They will add up when I release it and thank you for the support on this book. Love ya's - Antonia.

I had been busy the last few days with mafia related business, so I hadn't been home much; but I was today.

"Why do you eat so fucking loud?" Ace grumbled to Dante who was eating my cookies in his office. He was slouched in the chair and looked miserable for some reason.
"What is your problem, bitch?" Dante asked, spewing cookie crumbs everywhere. The palm of my hand slapped my forehead. These two were idiots, I'm living with idiots.
"Would the both of you just shut up?" I hissed.
"Fuck you Ice," Dante sneered.
"Fuck you Dante," I spat, scowling at him.
"Yeah, fuck you Dante." Ace glared at him.

"I'm leaving, fuck this," Dante snapped, suddenly becoming angry. I didn't think he was joking, but Ace carried on with the joke.
"You're a pussy." Ace rolled his eyes.
"I'm a pussy?" Dante sneered, turning back around and walking towards Ace.
"You heard me," Ace said, with a big smirk across his face.
"I'm the fucking pussy," Dante shouted, sounding as if he was in disbelief. "Says the one who's become a fucking pussy since dating that girl. You've gone soft. You're the bitch in your relationship."

My jaw was on the floor, and I knew Dante meant every word he had said. Ace's stare alone, said all the words Dante needed to hear. Dante left the room in a huff and Ace's demeanour immediately changed; Something in him had changed, flipped like a switch. I didn't dare to question him about it though.

"What happened?" I widened my eyes as Ace pulled out his packet of skins from his desk drawer.
"I need a joint before I kill someone," Ace sighed, his eyebrows staying frowned.

He took out his weed, and used his grinder to grind it down, before rolling it into a smoke.

I watched him light it, and inhale, and exhale, and sigh again, but this time, it was with relief.

He leaned back in his chair and put his feet on the desk, closing his eyes as the smoke from his lit joint, filled the air.

Ace fixed his position before standing up and sitting in the chair next to me.

He held the joint in his hand, and passed it over to me.
"A drug lord smoking his own drugs, how could you?" I gasped jokingly, and he snickered in response.
"Better I smoke it than them." He nodded, as I took a drag from the joint. They never tasted as bad as they smelled.
"Have you ever done any harder drugs?" I asked him, taking another drag before passing it back to him. He nodded, letting the smoke exit through his nose.

"Yea, I've done Ecstasy, Acid and Coke. I only did them to try them, and let me tell you, it's not worth the hype," he uttered, shaking his head.
"What does it feel like?" I questioned, before he passed the joint back to me.

I took another two drags as he answered.

"Well, I felt fine on cocaine, it's not as crazy as everyone hypes it up to be, but it's definitely addictive. After the first time I'd done it, I already wanted to do it again, even though I didn't enjoy it that much. Acid and Ecstasy were different though. I'd never do either again. They're hallucinigetics. I was off my face on acid, I couldn't walk straight. I was fifteen."

His answer really intrigued me, because I wondered if Avery would've related to him.

"I wonder if...." I stopped my sentence. I couldn't open up about Avery, I'd rather not. Saying his name made everything so real.

"I don't know Alex, drugs are different for everyone," Ace said, relighting the joint that had burned out since we were talking. How did he know what I was going to say?
"Does your dad care about you smoking in here?" I asked, purposely switching the topic. I didn't want to speak about him.
"He's never here, plus I own his mafia now, it'd be hypocritical if he cared," Ace scoffed, rolling his eyes.
"Have you heard from him?" I reached over, pulling the joint from his grip. He glared at me before speaking.
"No," he paused. "Not even a word."
"We should kill him!" I cheered, watching Ace smile slightly before putting out the joint.

"I think you're high," he laughed, glancing at me.
"I'm not, you are." I argued.
"Look at your eyes, Alex." He kept laughing.

I walked over to the mirror in his office and pulled my eyes apart, inspecting them in the mirror.

"What the fuck?" I yelled, seeing my eyes that were bloodshot and dilated. Ace was holding his chest from laughing so hard.
"Fix them," I yelled at Ace, who was slouched in the chair.
"I can't fix your eyes," he stated, his words not registering with me. I began to laugh with him, plunging myself into the seat next to his.

Both of us laughed with eachother for what felt like hours.

He glanced over at me.

"I think you're the only real friend I have, Ice" he said, catching me by surprise.
"That's surprising, I wasn't good at making friends as a kid. I used to get bullied a-lot," I voiced, remembering my school years and how miserable they were.
"Why were you bullied?" He asked, his eyebrows raising with shock.
"I had white hair, it wasn't exactly normal." I smiled, shoving those memories into the darkest part of my heart. "Avery though, Avery could make friends without struggle. It's like people were drawn to him. He only made friends with the wrong people."

"He sounded like a good kid," Ace sighed, running his hand along his face.
"He was," I nodded, fighting my emotions.

"Shit," Ace mumbled, checking the clock.
"What's wrong?" I asked with my eyes closed, and arms resting on the sides of the chair. I was so sleepy.
"Dante's having a temper tantrum downstairs, I have to go," he muttered, immediately sobering up and leaving the room. I opened one of my eyes as I looked around the office.

Before I knew it, Sofia was tapping my shoulder. I jolted up from the chair, unsure of where I was.

"Oh shit, sorry! I didn't mean to scare you," She said softly, widening her eyes.
"What time is it?" I grumbled, looking around in a daze.
"It's 12 a.m," she stated, rubbing her hands together.
"Oh my god," I mumbled, pinching the bridge of my nose, wondering where my time went.

"Where's Ace?" She asked, looking nervous.
"He's probably out working late Sofia, don't stay up for him," I mumbled, walking out of the room.

"Sofia?" I called out for her, realising she hadn't left Ace's office.
"Yes?" She yelled back.
"He wouldn't stay up for you. Don't stay up for him" I warned her, before closing my bedroom door and laying down.

When I awoke, chaos had erupted.

Ace was completely unapproachable and I had to bring Dante to the hospital. Sofia was gone.

What the fuck happened?

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