Chapter 64

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The lavish family dinner unfolded before Aurelia like a scene from a fresco, the opulence of the banquet hall accentuated by the glow of flickering oil lamps. As guests gathered around the long table, conversations swirled in a symphony of voices, accompanied by the clink of goblets and the scent of sumptuous dishes wafting through the air. Though surrounded by her dearest friends and kin, Aurelia found herself unable to partake in their merriment; her thoughts consumed by Lucius, the gladiator who had stolen her heart.

"Is everything to your satisfaction, dear sister?" Gaius asked sardonically, his eyes flitting over to hers with a hint of menace. He seemed to be daring her to reveal the secret that lay heavy on her heart.

"Of course, brother," Aurelia replied with feigned cheerfulness, pushing the tender morsels of roasted boar around her plate. Her stomach churned at the thought of betraying her growing connection with Lucius, especially to Gaius, whose ambition and cunning were matched only by his cruelty.

"Your appetite seems to have waned," her mother observed, a worried frown creasing her brow. "Are you feeling unwell?"

Aurelia forced a smile, her fingers tightening around the stem of her goblet as she struggled to maintain her facade. "No, truly, I am well. The meal is simply so rich that I find myself sated rather quickly."

"Perhaps you should spend less time daydreaming and more time focusing on the matters at hand," Gaius said pointedly, his gaze never leaving her face.

Aurelia's chest tightened, and she fought the urge to retort, knowing full well that her defiance would only fan the flames of suspicion. Instead, she turned her attention to the wine, hoping its warmth would quell the growing tempest within her. Each sip, however, only served to remind her of the stolen moments with Lucius, his strong arms enveloping her in a passionate embrace as they shared their dreams of a better future.

"Indeed," she said at last, taking another sip of wine and steeling herself against the onslaught of emotions threatening to undo her. "I shall endeavor to be more present."

"Good," Gaius replied, his smile cold and calculating. "For there is much to discuss regarding our family's fortunes and alliances. We cannot afford any distractions."

Aurelia nodded, her heart pounding in her ears as the weight of her family's expectations bore down upon her. She knew that her duty lay with them, but the pull of her love for Lucius was undeniable. In the dimly lit banquet hall, surrounded by the laughter and revelry of her kin, Aurelia felt a profound sense of isolation, trapped between two worlds that threatened to tear her apart.

"Very well," she whispered, swallowing the lump in her throat. "I am listening."

As the dinner continued and the conversation turned to politics and power, Aurelia's thoughts lingered on Lucius, his eyes haunting her like twin embers in the darkness. And though she played her part with practiced grace, inside, her soul was ablaze with a yearning that refused to be silenced.

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