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It's funny how often people say you don't know a good thing until it's gone. I never realised it could hold so much truth.

"Yeah," I say, shouting over the pop song that is blasting through the speakers, leaning out of the way as a group of girls holding hands push past me on their way to the dance floor. "It's been a rough few months."

"I know." He offers me a sympathetic smile. "Drink up, and have fun, my friend. It's time you took your life back."

I mumble an incoherent reply as I take the cup from him. I stare down at it, unease swirling in my gut. Me and alcohol don't mix well. We make very bad decisions together. My consumption of alcohol was the leading role in our relationship's end.

When Aidan finds a girl to talk to, I ditch the drink, and slink away from him. Weaving between the bodies, I pass through the groups of people.

Movement in the corner of my eye makes me snap my head in its direction. Light blonde hair, cascading down a back in loose, bouncy waves. A skin-tight dress, and knee-high boots. A familiar sway of hips. Holding out a beer can in front of her, she pierces the side of it with a pair of keys. The liquid sprays and she drives toward it, tilting her head back. My heart drops to my feet at the familiarity of it. I taught her that.

"Anna?" I quickly call out, my lips moving before my brain catches up. The small crowd gathered erupts into cheers and she drops the can, holding her hands above her head.

Lunging forward, I wrap my hand around her wrist, yanking her toward me. The girl exclaims in shock, whirling around to face me. I expect to see those gorgeous green eyes, her pretty red lips, her cute-as-a-button nose. Instead, dark eyes—now narrowed into slits—glare back at me. A front fringe falls across her forehead instead of the sweeping bangs. No freckles, no warm smile, nothing.

It isn't her.


Check out the After Everything trailer below!

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