Grey Skies: Chapter 42

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The empty platter in Blake's hand clattered against the steel surface of the prep table. "They practically inhaled those appetizers."

"That's a good sign." Sophie placed the custard cups into the bain-marie and dried her hands. "How's Simon?"

Blake's nose squished like she'd opened a container of raw squid. "The stick fell out of his ass, if that's what you're asking."

"Hey." Sophie hip checked her temporary sous chef and server. "That's no way to speak about your potential boss."

"But he's been impossible today. Now he's out there acting like everyone's best bud."

"He has a lot riding on tonight." Sophie crept across the kitchen and cracked open the door a sliver. In the center of the dining room sat Simon at a table with two older men in dark suits and an elegantly dressed woman with silver hair and circular diamonds twinkling in the candlelight at her ears. The sound of Simon's booming laugh filtered across the empty room.

Sophie gently closed the door and turned to Blake. "If he gets this funding, this restaurant could be up and running in a month. That means decent jobs for folks in this area. And you'd be in on the ground floor."

Blake's eyes shone. "Really? You think he'd hire me?"

"I'd give you a glowing recommendation. Besides the serving skills Simon hired you for, you're a quick learner and have been an asset in the kitchen with me."

"You explain things. Not like when I try to cook with my mom. She only wants me to do things her way."

Sophie winked at Blake. "Each chef has to find their own way."

"I like your way." Blake chewed on the side of her thumb. "You'd still teach me, right?"

The request made her heart race. "I'd like that. But this is only a temporary position for me. Simon hired me for tonight. He might want someone with more experience to manage the kitchen full time."

"That's not what he told those people when they asked about the menu."

Warmth not from the oven washed over Sophie's cheeks. "Quick, let's get the first course plated."

Sophie was adding the hazelnuts to the scallops cooked with chorizo when the kitchen door pushed open, and Simon stuck his head into the room.

"Sophie." He nodded in the direction of the table of potential investors. "Can you come explain the menu?"

"Absolutely." She straightened her apron, brushed her bangs off her face and, with a quick smile in Blake's direction, entered the dining room. As she followed him to the table, she focused on the fine lines of the back of Simon's dark suit and willed moisture into her dry throat.

Simon stopped and rested a hand on the back of his chair. "Mr. Melcon and Mr. and Mrs. Purty. May I present the star of the evening and the brilliant mind behind tonight's inspired meal, Sophie Kim."

Sophie shook each of their hands, maintaining eye contact. Mrs. Purty smiled. "Simon can't stop singing your praises. Is it true you worked at La Terra?"

A stone fell in Sophie's stomach. Had Simon inflated her worth, touting her as the head chef at her old restaurant? "I was there for almost two years."

"Cal and I used to love their pommes de terre soufflées." Sophie's shoulders relaxed. The classic French dish had been one of the creations she was mostly responsible for in her old kitchen. Mrs. Purty's mouth turned down. "Such a shame the owners decided to retire."

Simon inched closer to the table. "But luck for us because it brought us Sophie."

"I don't have any soufflées on the menu tonight, but I have prepared a creamy Koshihikari risotto boosted with a porcini emulsion that might appease your tastebuds." Encouraged by the nods of the three guests, Sophie described the rest of the menu.

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