𝐂𝐡. 𝟏𝟖 | 𝐒𝐞𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐝 𝐏𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐨𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐭

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I was given their classic trunk for the shoot. Black. Which meant that Liya was also going to be in black.

"God bless you're so hot. I don't even need to draw abs on you," the makeup artist complimented, staring at me with her eyes.

"It takes effort to keep this body in shape. But it's all worth it if the ladies are pleased," I flirted exiting the room in my robe.

I find Liya already out standing with the directors and producers of the ad.

"There we have our male model. Let's get this shoot started shall we," the old man snickered with his eyes raping Liya even though she was covered in her robe.

"We were just talking about how gorgeous Liya is. I don't think I have seen a model this beautiful ever for a Cosabella shoot," he continued shamelessly.

Her eyes widened with discomfort and slight fear as his hand grazed around her shoulder and down her arm, feeling it.

"Shall we have the robes off then," he proceeded to talk.

What the fuck. She was biting the corner of her inner lip. Her nails were pinching and scratching the skin of her sensitive red thumb. It could nearly bleed. My feet dragged me around them with a fake smile as I broke contact of his touch with her.

"You must be the director. I am such a huge fan of Cosabella. It's the lingerie I often purchase for my one-night stands," I spoke looking directly into his eyes.

His body position changing meaning he felt insulted and understood why I was standing in between him and Liya. Gradually, a worker carried out a tray of boiling water with milk. Looks like someone wants tea.

"That's nice to hear," the director responded back.

Unconsciously, I had turned my body and pushed the worker right into the director. The kettle had opened onto his hands and steam radiated around us. He screamed in pain and everyone gathered around us.

"Oh my, my apologies. I hadn't seen you come. Someone take the director to the first aid room. It looks like the burn is serious," I acted looking at how red his skin was getting.

"We're going to have to wait till the director returns to continue the shoot," the producer spoke.

"I'm sorry but we're very tight on schedule. We need to do the shoot now. Right, Liya?' I lied looking towards her to take part in it with it.

She nodded yes, subtly. I had requested to see the director whilst he was in the aid room. He told the nurse to leave as his hand was getting iced. I had locked the door behind me as I took my steps forwards towards him.

"You don't know who I am," he spoke proudly.

"I don't even care who you are," I scoffed taking a pocket knife out of my robe.

I held it to his jawline giving him a little fright. In my other hand, the lighter that lit my cigarette everyday filled in. Flicking it on, I got his eyes to shift to the lighter. Looking down to his burnt hand, I take the little harmless flame and dig it in.

"However you need to know who I am. That little stunt you pulled out there with Liya, cost you a dramatic burn on your hand. I say it's a second-degree burn. Now if you want these hands attached to your body, you tell the producer the shoot goes on whilst you stay in this room," I ordered pinching the knife at the edge of his jaw as his screams fill in the room from the flame.

He nods yes fearfully and this was going to be his last nod ever. Taking my lighter away from his hand, I threw it back into my robe with the pocket knife. I walk back out without hearing another word from him.

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