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I couldn't get her out of my mind. Her scent...her taste. The soft gasp she released when my tongue slid across her bottom lip.

Never in my life had I seen a mouth as perfect as hers, and I couldn't be satisfied with just one taste of those pouty lips. No man could be.

The scent of her fear made her that much sweeter as her desire filled the air with it. She enjoyed our meeting as much as I had. It was exhilarating and tempting.

There was something about her that my beast couldn't resist...that I couldn't resist. From the second I caught her scent at the pond, I wanted to claim her. She smelled so sweet, like a sugar cookie, and I had been desperate for a taste.

So, I took one, but it wasn't enough.

I didn't think it ever would be.

Blood dripped from my hands as I moved through the small passageway, heading toward the water.

The men who had scared her yesterday had been wise to run but stupid to think they could ever escape me. They were almost too easy to kill. It was disappointing.

They would have died regardless, but I had wanted a challenge. A real fight. It had been so long since I had fought a worthy opponent.

But for her, I would fight or kill anyone.

The last time I had seen her was just after my pack had been slaughtered almost ten years ago. I had been terrified. I was on my own for the first time. I was young, cold, hungry, and mourning my parents and little sister.

When I heard her scream that day and smelled the rogues, I jumped at the chance to draw blood and redeem myself for failing my family.

I hadn't expected to find a child out on her own, surrounded by rogues.

She had to be no more than nine or ten and was the most stubborn thing I had ever seen, with her little fists in the air and her eyebrows pulled together like she was preparing to fight them. 

Her lips were pursed as she concentrated on the two wolves circling her, eyeing them as if trying to decide which one to take on first.

Seeing her determination to fight gave me hope. It had lit the spark back inside of me that had been extinguished the day I ran from my pack and left them to die.

We worked together, and even when they started to overpower us, she never gave up. She pushed harder, so I did too, until we were the last two standing.

They had been my very first kills.

That young girl had saved my life and didn't even know it. Her will to live inspired me, and I refused to live my life on the run and constantly looking over my shoulder. I wanted to be unstoppable, and I became just that.

Now, she was back in my life, and I refused to believe it was anything other than fate that we crossed paths again.

I had known nothing about her. Not her name nor her pack. I hadn't been expecting to ever see her again, but then there she was.

Her eyes were darker than when she was younger. They were beautiful, with a black ring around a warm chocolate brown that looked golden in the sunlight. It felt like those eyes had burned into my soul, and I wanted to memorize every detail of them.

Today, I could.

I dove into the water, swimming through the clear pond and moving into the opening below, feeling bothered that she hadn't been inside the cool cave.

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