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Author's Pov

After having their breakfast in a quiet and tense atmosphere, all the Ortizs were now gathered at the entrance of the forest 5 miles away from their backyard.

"Come here Alicia Ximena Ortiz." Grandfather called here.

Alicia shuddered listening to her grandfather's cold voice calling her full name.
She went to him.

"let me introduce you and the rest to the 'Los Lobos Test'. Underworld business was way darker and deeper in the past. I am talking about centuries ago. There was all sorts of magic, voodoo, and still undiscovered mysteries, buried in the history of the mafia.
This test is passed on from the great mafia antecedents. They believed that 'The princess of the most powerful mafia would be the princess if she tames the wildest beasts.'
There are two bloodthirsty wolves in this jungle. They are waiting for their master. We have been the most powerful mafia from the last few generations but there was no princess to claim the crown. Many prince who were proud of their strength went in there and Never came back. I am not scaring you but take it as a warning for your good.
So let me ask you again, Alicia Ximena Ortiz are you willing and ready to go in the forest."

"I am willing and ready to claim my crown abuelo Alejandro Ortiz."
Even Xia was surprised by the sudden blast of confidence. Alejandro would never admit but his eyes were shining with pride. Whatever the result, he could see the princess standing in front of him. A princess who takes attitude from no one, not even her Tito.

"Since you have made up your mind, then take this bag. It has some essentials that you may need. Anytime things get out of control, there is a phone inside, keep it handy. Press any button on it and you will be immediately rescued.
Lastly, remember that we need a princess but we can't lose you, Xia."

This was the first time he called her Xia and not Alicia.

Alicia nodded to him, smiled at the rest of the family, recalled her mother's words and went into the forest.

Alicia's Pov

As I entered the forest I was enticed by its beauty. Green, lush, long trees were everywhere as far as eyes could see. So serene, pure and untouched.

'Focus Xia or else you won't make it out of this beautiful forest. It's pretty but not pretty enough to die for.' My conscious scolded me.

So back to work. Before going deeper into the forest, I decided to check my bag first. Let's see what all I have- compass, ropes, first aid, water bottle, gun, knife, meat, matchbox, cellphone and a few other things.
I left all of them in the bag except for the cell phone. I kept it in my pocket.

Now I moved deeper into the forest. I don't how long I have been walking but there were no wolves or anything other than trees. Is it a prank or something?
Shall I go deeper or go back?

I spoke too soon. I heard growling from behind the bushes. It was a terrifying sound, trust me. Not knowing what to expect, I stopped where I was and waited for them to come out.

I don't know what I have got myself into, but I am ready to fight.

They are strong but you are not weak.
They may be fierce but you are the queen.

I repeated Mumma's words in my head like a mantra.

A few seconds later, two beautiful wolves were standing in front of me. One was black and the other was white. They were adorable. Why did Tito call them bloodthirsty beasts? They are like exquisitely cute wolves. Can I play with them?

Ok, they are not that cute, when they are circling you and growling at you, as if planning your murder and the ways to make you their meal.

What the hell should I do now? I can't run, I can't fight, and I can't move to open the bag because then they will surely pounce on me.

Jesus are you there, Tell me what to do.
I guess Jesus wants me to come to heaven to get my answers.

They look in your soul when you look in their eyes.

Let your honesty and innocence be your pride.

Wait, Mom was a genius, I'll take my chance.
I got to my knees to show them that I meant no harm. Then I did what mom said, I looked in their eyes. Theirs are prettier than mine.

After some ten minutes or so, they stopped circling me and growling as well.

They both stood in front of me but a few feet away.

I was still on my knees, to break the awkward silence, I did the most stupid thing,

"Hey, I am Alicia Ximena Ortiz. You can call me Xia or growl whatever. I am here for this test to prove my capabilities as a princess. I don't know what I am proving by talking to you both pretty creatures but still. They say I am a born princess so why do they have to test it? And if they want to test something, don't you think a DNA test would be way easier and less of a life-threatening option?"

I think I have officially lost it at this point because the two wolves are also looking at me as if I have gone nuts.

Nuts. Food. Meat.

Oh, now I know what to do next.

"So my dear munchkins, do you find me capable enough to wear the crown of the princess and do you accept me as your master? Leave it will be better off as friends. Accept this treat to tell me your answer."

Now the most difficult part. I took the meat from the bag. I stretched my arms to feed them. It was one piece and they were two so I took out the knife and tore it in two halves. Mom wrote that either they eat from your hand or they eat your hand.

Saying my last prayer to God, I waited for them to come forward.

After some minutes both of them together walked towards me, in perfect synchronisation.
Wow, it was hot.

Though it was a life-death situation, I wasn't scared of them. It was silly to talk with them but I felt like they understood me, like we bonded at that moment. It was like my best friend (that apparently I never had) walking towards me to have a treat from my hand. So I smiled.

I was not wrong. As they were inches away from my hand, they smelt my arms and then took their share of food.
It was peaceful watching them eat.

Once they were done, they said right in front of me and lowered their head as if bowing. I petted them and moved my hand through their soft fur. Slowly they raised their heads.
"Since we are friends, I need to name you, and I have already told you my name. So I'll read out some names you can make a sound on the name you like."

Yes, now my beautiful wolves had beautiful names

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Yes, now my beautiful wolves had beautiful names. With some help from the internet, I got to know that, Feroce is male and Acrasia is female.

Then we played for some time in the forest, running behind each other and cuddling. It was late evening when I felt hungry and thought of returning. I was lost and had no idea how to use a compass. But my besties led the way and helped me, it was like they knew the forest like the back of their hand or paws in this case.


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