Chapter 13: Cunny

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“Wait, what did I just hear?”

“Gosh, did she just announce her comeback?”

“Oh my, I knew Chantel won’t be that dumb”

“Apology my foot, who the hell release that fake rumour?”

“It was Yulia’s assistant, Is Yulia jealous? Why would she release such a news?”

“Why is she back?”
“Chantel is back, fuck yesss!!!”

Thousands of comments popped online as Chantel announced her comeback. Many people supported her especially her old fans while only few were against it and they are from Yulia’s fans.

“Yess!!” Rana screamed again, she look back at Yulia who was busy gritting her teeth hard.

Rana turn to leave since the job was done. Chantel on the other hand was escorted out of the stage, by the huge bodyguards.

Rana ran towards her but one of the guards stopped her with a cold look.

“Let her. She is my manager” Chantel demanded calmly and Rana was permitted.

She jumped and hug Chantel hardly with a broaden smile on her lips.

“Okay.. Rana.. y..ou’re squeezing my bones” Chantel manage to utter to the lady. She broke the hug afterward.

“I know you could do it, you should have seen their faces. They look like live instagram black and white filter” Rana said and they both laugh lightly. “I’m glad you are back”

“Me too” Chantel winked.

Enzo appeared afterward, he adjust his suit and walked towards the ladies.

“Shall we miss?” He spoke respectfully. Dominic had asked him to make sure not to let Chantel leave his sight.

“I have to go now, we’ll see tomorrow” Chantel said to Rana and got a nod from her as a reply.

Rana gave Enzo a glare, he frowned wondering why the short woman is glaring at him before leaving too.

Outside was a lot of reporters ready to throw so many question at her, of course she had expected this already.

“A question Chantel!”

“Why are returning back to the industry?”

“Are you back for good?”

“What changed your mind?”

“Talk to us!”

The bodyguards made sure not to allow any of them touch a single strand of her hair and led her toward the luxury car waiting for her.

Getting in, Chantel spot the man who protected her sitting with his chin rested on this finger. She slam the door with a light thud and sat gracefully.

Silence rented the car as it began to move.

“You really don’t have to come yunno” Chantel finally broke the silence.

“Is that your way saying thank you? If so, then you’re welcome” Dominic said without looking at her.

“I told you, I don’t need your help” Chantel spoke stubbornly. She still don’t want to have anything to do with this man.

“I was only protecting my Wife” His reply made her turn her head to look at him. Did he just call her wife? His silver eyes was so captivating she could hardly look away. Her gaze land on his lips, those lips that ravish hers that night.

Why does the man she doesn’t like have to be this handsome? He is even cool at that..

She didn’t realize she was staring too much not until the man turn his head to look at her. She immediately advert her gaze and cursed inwardly.

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