Chapter 15 - My training

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The first rays of the morning sun flooded my room with gentle, golden light. I hadn't slept all night. Every time I closed my eyes, Tatsuya's face appeared before me. Haah, get a hold of yourself! I tossed my pillow aside and it hit Raven, who stood at the foot of my bed. "Good morning," he replied curtly. How long had he been in the room? "Good morning," I replied, feeling a bit embarrassed. I sprang out of bed and began to get ready for the day. Isabella joined us and informed me that breakfast was ready. Both she and Raven looked tired, so I cast a small spell to dispel their fatigue. I wondered how long the celebration last night had gone on.

On our way to the dining room, I noticed that the atmosphere in the estate was cheerful. The servants greeted me with enthusiasm and bowed respectfully. Before entering the dining room, I paused for a moment, took a deep breath and then opened the door. My gaze went to the head of the table, but the seat was empty. Somehow, I felt both relieved and disappointed. "Good morning, Haru!" I heard a gentle, cheerful voice behind me. It was Ryota. I returned his greeting and sat down to have breakfast. "And what do you have planned for today?" I asked him. "I have sword training until noon, and then I have lessons," he replied. Over the past few days, I had spent a lot of time in bed, so my body felt a bit stiff. "Would it be okay if I accompany you to your training?" I asked curiously. He nodded enthusiastically, his eyes sparkling with anticipation.

On the way there, I noticed that we were not heading in the direction of the usual training ground. "Where are we going?" I asked, surprised. "To the training ground," Ryota replied, looking a bit confused by my question. "But isn't the training ground in the opposite direction?" "That's the training ground for the knights. There's a separate training ground exclusively for the Duke's family," Isabella patiently explained.

We reached an impressive dome, adorned with marble both on the outside and inside. Quite extravagant for a training room. Inside the spacious area, Sir Silberstein and another person were already waiting. "Tatsu?" I heard Ryota say next to me as we approached the two. It was only then that I realized the second person was Tatsuya. "What are you doing here?" Ryota asked. That was the same question I was eager to ask. Tatsuya looked at me and then back to Ryota. "I've come to oversee your training and your progress today" he explained seriously.

Sir Silberstein turned his attention to me, grinning and asked, "What brings the little healer to the training hall?" I responded calmly, "I wanted to keep Ryota company and perhaps engage in some training myself... if that's acceptable?" Both of them looked at me, clearly taken aback. "Hm... as far as I'm concerned, that's not a problem. But do you have any experience in sword fighting?" Sir Silberstein inquired. I shook my head.

"Then let's start with the basics. Try swinging the sword correctly ten times" he explained as he swung a sword in front of him. I nodded determinedly and took the sword in both hands. It was heavier than I had expected and I almost dropped it.

Sir Silberstein turned his attention back to Ryota, saying, "Now, let's begin with your training. Draw your sword." The two faced each other and Sir Silberstein unsheathed his sword as well. He stood still, effortlessly parrying Ryota's attacks. I was fascinated by how Ryota, who was only about a third of Sir Silberstein's size, could attack so quickly and skillfully. Tatsuya stood on the sidelines, analyzing Ryota's moves. Even though Sir Silberstein easily defended against everything with a simple movement of his hand, Ryota's determination motivated me.

Confidently, I raised the sword, ready to execute my first strike. However, during the swing, I felt the unfamiliar weight almost pulling me forward. I lost my balance and tumbled headfirst towards the ground. The sword slipped from my hands and twirled in the air, only to reappear a few inches from my head. A sharp impact caused me to kiss the ground with my entire body and my nose throbbed as I couldn't break the fall, my face making harsh contact with the hard floor.

The silence in the room was almost palpable. Everyone stared at me with wide eyes, as if they couldn't believe what had just happened. In this awkward silence, I slowly picked myself up. A quick glance confirmed that my nose had started to bleed and both Isabella and Ryota rushed to my side, their expressions filled with concern. Isabella picked up the sword and carefully set it aside. Surprisingly, she could lift it effortlessly with just one hand, as if it were feather-light. It was in that moment that I truly grasped how weak I was.

Sir Silberstein attempted to break the uncomfortable silence. "Well, sword fighting is definitely not for everyone," he remarked with a conciliatory smile. However, I felt as if the ground had opened up beneath me and the crimson heat of embarrassment crept into my face.

Ryota placed his hand reassuringly on mine, which was trembling from both shame and physical discomfort. "Don't worry" he whispered gently. "I'll train hard and protect you, I promise." His words were like balm to my wounded pride. Nevertheless, it painfully dawned on me how even a child like Ryota surpassed me in terms of physical strength. I quickly healed myself.

Tatsuya now stood by my side, extending his hand to help me up. With a lowered gaze, I accepted his hand, struggling to regain my feet. I couldn't bear to look at his face after such a dismal performance. But then, Tatsuya broke the silence, his voice carrying a stern undertone: "I forbid you from ever wielding a sword again and your access to the training hall will be permitted only under supervision." His words struck me like a blow.

I lifted my gaze to his serious expression and I could see the disappointment in his eyes. "You should leave now" he added even more firmly. My heart pounded so loudly in my chest that it drowned out everything else. I nodded silently and without another word, I exited the training hall. My heavy footsteps carried me away from it and I kept walking without thinking about where I was going.

It wasn't until I slowly regained my senses that I realized I had walked a considerable distance. The edge of the garden lay before me and the cool air was refreshing. I gazed up at the sky, attempting to sort out my tumultuous thoughts. Isabella and Raven maintained some distance from me, but they continued to follow me closely.

It was the very first time I had ever swung a sword. Why did Tatsuya have to be so strict right from the start? Disappointment and shame gnawed at me. I sat down in the snow, resting my head in my arms. The nature spirits began to flutter around me, as if attempting to offer comfort. Yesterday, it had seemed as if we were finally getting closer, but today, it felt like we were farther apart than ever.

The Dawn of Time (Bl) - English versionOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora