Author's Note: 10/15/23

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Welcome to Glass Slippers, A Cinderella Retelling! This story was written largely from March 2015 to June 2015, and has all the hallmarks of both a first-time first draft and a story written by a seventeen-year-old in a really short amount of time.

It has been edited in a few minor ways since then, with attempts at "fixing" plot holes and so on, but it is very close to its original first version, with all of its joys and errors.

Any future "sequels" you may see hinted at, are unfortunately lost to time in some ways or another (eight years, one college degree, and five moves later, finding my way back to the storyline isn't really easy anymore), but the only posted sequel, A Kind of Bravery: A Mulan Retelling, is still available to be read here on Wattpad. 

At some point, I may one day attempt to properly publish Glass Slippers, but that day is likely very far down the road. Wattpad readers and long-time friends will certainly be the first to know. Thank you for eight years of support, love, and kindness. 

All that said; I hope you enjoy! I enjoyed writing it at the time, and looking back, it's a really fond memory and holds a very special place in my heart.

Happy Reading! And remember: 

"Some day you will be old enough to start reading fairy tales again." - C. S. Lewis

update 3/7/24: Glass Slippers is being self-published October 1, 2024 and the series is indeed continuing. Details in the very last chapter of this book. Sorry past me! 

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