A Bruise From The Ball.

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"Kacchan plays... Basketball? Is that what you said?" Izuku squinted a little, staring at Ochako. The brunette grew a little nervous from the staring. "Uh... yeah, you okay? There's no one in the hallway, so I have no idea why you wouldn't be able to hear..."

"Haha! Ah, that- that's because I spaced out, is all." Izuku laughed nervously. "You space out a lot, Midoriya." Todoroki commented as the three walked together.

Izuku cleared his throat, trying to change the subject. "Where's Iida?" He looked away from Shoto to look at the brunette again. "Oh! His family needed him back home for something, just for today, though."

They reached the Gym doors, and could already hear the basketball dribbling and being thrown from the inside of the gym. Izuku had no idea why, but he felt his heart flutter just from even thinking about going inside.

Izuku couldn't help but stare at the blond playing. Since he couldn't hear anything already, he was able to completely focus on the blond and the way his tank top hugged his chest in all the right places, the way his biceps flexed when he moved him arms to shoot the ball. The way his hair was pushed back with a headband —probably Mina's— and how adorable that looked, that cocky smirk on his face, those eyes full of his pride and ego, and—

Izuku was yanked onto the bleachers, they sat towards the back, as they would be able to see a lot more. Izuku grinned wide as he way he watched Katsuki play. As long as no one was talking to him, he probably seemed totally normal.

Izuku observed Katsuki's other friends join him to play as well. He smiled as he watched the group, but his eyes mainly still focused on Katsuki. He zipped open his bag, pulling out his sketchbook to draw Katsuki.

"He's so in love that he can't even hear me say his name. I've called him five times now." Ochako rolled her eyes. "In love? With who?" Shoto asked. "Bakugo, of course. Just look at him, he's practically head over heels for him." Ochako smirked, taking a picture.

"But he doesn't have heels over his head—"

"It's not meant to be taken seriously." Ochako cleared.

"Ah, I got it."

"Izuku? Helloooo?" Ochako tried to get his attention again, but he seemed to be too into it.

"Jeez, you can't be a more obvious gay than this." Ochako sighed.

She was talking to Todoroki when she heard a bang, causing her to flinch and look at Izuku, as that's where she heard the sound coming from. "Izuku!? Are you oka— shoot! Your nose is bleeding!" She panicked.

It all happened so fast, Izuku couldn't even process it. Izuku touched his nose, where the ball hit him. "A-Ah..." he hissed, his eyes widened to see blood. "Blood?..." he mumbled to himself. Before he knew it, he felt his chin being held, and turned towards the side, to meet Katsuki's eyes.

"Shit, you okay? Does it hurt? Fuck, it's bleeding." Katsuki started to panic. He then turned to his friends, "I told you not to throw it when he wasn't paying attention!" He scolded. "Fuck, Izuku, answer me. Why aren't you answering?"

Izuku just stared at Katsuki. He couldn't make out anything he was saying, as he was so into staring at his face. Man, whenever he saw Katsuki up close like this, he'd always notice tiny details about him, like the little scar on his right eyebrow, how his red eyes have little flecks of orange and yellow around the pupil, oh, and his... lips.

That's when he noticed Katsuki was actually saying something.

"O-Oh— huh, what?" Izuku finally had snapped out of it.

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