Chapter 38: SK Pt. 3

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Sean’s POV:

Everything felt broken. There was a ringing in my ears that seemed to get louder and louder as time passed on. Pushing up from the sand I tried to open my eyes but I couldn’t see anything. The dust from the blast clouded everything. Instead of calling out to see if everyone was alright I started crawling along the ground. I needed to find a weapon. The blast knocked my rifle from my hands and Troy had my pistol— Troy… where was Troy? I pushed myself along the sand and kept as low as possible. I could hear gunfire not too far away. I prayed everyone was alright. Everyone had to be alright. I reached the peak of the dune and slithered my down to where the remains of the truck sat. Through the haze I could see the blood splattered along the sand.

                “Wesley…” Turning to my left I spotted Hampton laying on his side his vest wide open. There were large pieces of flesh missing from his chest but his eyes were opened and he was conscious enough to speak. Going to him I fished for his rifle. Finding it I checked to make sure it was loaded.

                “You’re alright, you’re fine.” I whispered. Looking to me Hampton’s face softened as his eyes watered up.

                “I’m not fine… don’t lie to me.” He wheezed blood dribbling from the corner of his mouth. Taking his hand I squeezed it tightly.

                “What do you need me to do?” I asked. Squeezing my fingers in return he smiled a bloody smile.

                “Stay alive and make it home… tell my Kristen... her daddy loves her… and I’ll be watching over… her in heaven… promise me... you’ll make it home.” He choked. Nodding my head I tried to clear my eyes of my tears.

                “I promise.” I said unable to keep my tears at bay. Pulling his hand away he saluted me.

                “Semper Fi.” He wheezed for the last time his head slumping to the sand as his eyes slowly closed. Placing a kiss on his forehead I turned back to the battle at hand.

                “Hoorah Hampton, hoorah.”

Kate’s POV:

Closing the car door behind me I made my way through the burned debris to the inner buildings of McElroy and Hudson. I wanted to turn back and wait for the guys but my feet wouldn’t stop. Climbing over a few fallen beams I came to an open space. The roof was still intact but there were holes in some places letting streams of sunlight in. I felt like I was in a horror film and the creepy killer monster was about to jump out at any moment and slash me to death.

                “Katie…” My eyes zeroed in on Penny handcuffed to a standing beam. She was wearing my clothes but they’d been cut in various places showing inappropriate amounts of skin.

                “PENNY!” I yelled running forward. I was almost there when something moved out the corner of my eyes. Skidding to a stop I turned to see Donavon watching me as he twirled a knife between his fingers.

The Unexpected LoveOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora