Chapter 24

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Chapter 24: Enemy from the Past Life

   Before they went to the inner stone chamber, Kim Hyungsung's expedition with the others went well. They didn't encounter any monsters..only monster corpses.

Monsters burned into char, monsters that showed signs of bloating with water, monsters that showed gashes from head to toe and bleeding to death, monsters that were crashed with large stone boulders, monsters that were electrified to a crisp, and monsters that were frozen to death.

 For the past few days, such sights weren't uncommon to Kim Hyungsung and the others during their expedition outside the camp. With that method of execution of monsters, Kim Hyungsung was certain that the cause of those killings was someone who was a mage.

As for why he is certain, only mage classes are capable of controlling the elements. For the 2nd reason, they have a mage in their team (Jung Hayan) and such a method of attack wouldn't be far off from Jung Hayan killing monsters if she would put more power into her magic attacks.

' Dal-Eun.. '

And the reason why Kim Hyungsung suspected it to be Dal-Eun was simple. Other than Dal-Eun who was the other person who frequently goes out of the camp other than him? And those water supplies that Dal-Eun has 'found' along with the pond that appeared out of nowhere pointed to Dal-Eun being a mage.

Having an expedition and diving deeper into this dungeon, other than Lee Kiyoung, Jung Hayan, and Park Deokgu, the other person who first came into Kim Hyungsung's mind was Dal-Eun.

Unfortunately, Kim Hyungsung doesn't want to force Dal-Eun to go with them if he doesn't want to. He doesn't want to break the little amount of trust and positive impression that Dal-Eun has towards him.

Kim Hyungsung's emotions towards the kid were a mix of feelings of pity and sympathy. Sympathy because Kim Hyungsung knows the feeling of losing the people that he cares about. Pity because, unlike Ahn Dal-Eun, Kim Hyungsung was given a second chance. He has the chance to save the people that he cares about from that Masked Bastard.

The thought of the Mask Bastard Villain made his blood boil. Kim Hyungsung promised that he wouldn't allow the Masked Bastard and the other villains to destroy his life and the continent once again.

He would protect everyone and kill those heinous and despicable villains.

" Hyungsung-ssi? "

Blinking, Kim Hyungsung glances at Lee Kiyoung who is looking at him with a hesitant and nervous expression. While walking and thinking of that Masked Bastard and the villains who have ruined his life, the others, and the continent, Kim Hyungsung unknowingly releases his killing intent.

Glancing at Park Deokgu, Jung Hayan, and Park Hyaeyoung, he could see that they were terrified of him. Kim Hyun-sung calmed down and erased his killing intent.

Hesitantly approaching him, Lee Kiyoung asked him with a worried expression.

" Hyungsung-ssi are you alright? "

Replying calmly, Kim Hyungsung answered.

" .. I'm fine. I apologize for scaring all of you. I only remembered something unpleasant. "

Lee Kiyoung only nodded his head with no questions asked.

Lee Kiyoung may be weak.... but this man who he hadn't heard of in his past life was surprisingly smart and competent. He is indeed weak.. but Lee Kiyoung is useful.

In his first life, this man may have perished like Dal-Eun during the Dungeon Trials.

He was certain of Lee Kiyoung's circumstances that the man didn't survive the 1st round. For Dal-Eun his conclusion about the kid wasn't certain.

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