Chapter 24

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Laureline's pov

Luca left with Fabio and I was with Daniella

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Luca left with Fabio and I was with Daniella. I wanna know more about her so that I can find out if she's actually a good person or not cause the people in the mafia aren't so kind. She's been a loving person so far so I'm doubting that she could be cruel.

Luca and I also have our dark side well Lucas doesn't even hide it. When we were around 5, we were living in these cells. Human trafficking, we had a friend there his name was Killian. They made being there so much better. We spent 3 more years there and we pretty much grew up together. The guy who ran it was a 40 year old man. He would always tell us his evil plans every week just to scare us, every single one of them but he never told us his name. He would show us things that kids our age weren't supposed to see. He would get people to train us in fighting like boxing and martial arts. He said we were his little soldiers, that we were special and said it was all our parents fault. We all didn't remember where we were from or how we got there we were just there. We got all the abuse together and shared jokes together, we were like family. One day, we made the perfect plan and escaped. We took a ship and we were in America. We were in foster care from the time we were 8 then we got separated from Killian when we were 10. He didn't wanna go, we didn't want him to go either. He was being dragged away from us and we were trying to help him but we were just malnourished kids against giant healthy men. I always wondered what happened to him and if he was okay. Ever since we escaped we had to do a lot of illegal things, Luca did the underground fighting and the racing, Killian did the hacking and spying while I did the pick pocketing and safe cracking. We were sent to a foster home that same day, that's when we were taken in by David and Simone. We learnt more fighting styles like chi blocking, boxing, karate and martial arts. We learnt foreign languages all from watching bad TV from a diner we worked at for years. It's not a life we're proud of but it got us by from the time Luca, Killian and I escaped to now.

I am dragged out of my thoughts when Daniella says
"We're here... Welcome to Fabulous Finds. I started it when I was 30"Daniella says proudly
"What were you doing before? " She pauses and says
"I was an assistant at a law firm. I was 15 at the time and didn't have a lot of money"
"That's sounds interesting did you like it"
"No. It was just so I could make ends meet and strangely it led me to Fabio"
"Fabio went to this elite private school in Italy and I was an orphan who moved to Italy cause I always wanted to go somewhere new. I wasn't in the same school as him but our schools played pranks on each other all the time. I'm Spanish so it was hard to speak Italian sometimes. When I was 15, I needed a job so I started working at a law firm. The guy who ran the firm hated the Russo's and so did I they were obnoxious and rude and they all looked strict. Then one day the boss who ran that firm got someone to press charges against them, I don't remember for what but he wanted nothing more than to destroy them. Ah, the good times" she says while reminiscing.

Daniella's pov

Daniella's pov

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It was after school and I was getting ready to go home when someone started shouting from behind me.
"Hey! hey you! Who do think you people are, just deciding to come for my family like that. " "Excuse me? I'm not the one who pressed charges against you so don't come at me for it. If your family is innocent there shouldn't even be a problem! Gosh I've had it with Italians"
"You better tell that dumbass to drop those charges"
"Who do you think you are? My mother? You don't scare me try it on someone else jackass" I walked home and never looked back at that dumbass. I live in a small 2 bedroom house with a decent looking kitchen. I don't make much but it keeps my fridge full and gets me to school so it's okay. I also have a little side job, if you call assassinating a job. I'm good at it, it makes me feel alive even though I'm unaliving people.
The next day I saw Fabio at a small restaurant and this time he was just eating a pizza.
"Daniella Castillo" he says too calmly for my liking
"How the hell do you know my name?" he chuckles and says "I have to know my family's enemies right? Wait you wouldn't know seeing that you're an orphan and all"
"How low are you gonna stoop. I'm not the one pressing charges on your precious family."
"Yeah but you're still working there"
"Girl's gotta eat " He stares at me and says the weirdest thing ever.
"Would you like to sit down. This pizza is a lot for just one person"
"Are you trying to poison me? You must be, considering all the horrible rumors they say about your little family" I say while I sit down opposite to him
"What do they say? " leaning forward and giving a tiny smirk
"That the Russo's are in the Mafia. Human trafficking, rape, drugs, killings"
"All of that and you still sat down."
"Like I said, girl's gotta eat" we spent the rest of the day talking and eating pizza. Besides him being an arrogant jackass he's really great. I should've known this was the beginning of something new.
Flashback over

I spent the whole day with Laureline talking about her favorite things and my favorite things. We watched some designs, took a tour of NYC, she loves bread we stopped 3 times to get it. We both have similar interests except she isn't an artist but she loves watching it. She said it is the only way she could truly know how Luca was feeling, he just puts on a hard exterior because of what he's been through. I got the chance to understand my daughter better and that's all I can hope for.

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