19. The Raw Informant

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Aradhna's POV 

It's been two days since our return from Nainital. The whole family is busy with the preparations for the engagement, which is just around the corner, scheduled for this Saturday, two days from now. Amid the hustle and bustle of these joyful moments, I'm silently keeping tabs on him and his gang, who have recently arrived in New Delhi. We've been actively monitoring their every move.

Yesterday, they were spotted at a shopping mall, and it's on our radar that they plan to travel to Mumbai tomorrow. I have a gut feeling that they're plotting something big. I'm patiently biding my time, waiting for the perfect moment. Once I get my hands on him, he'll regret every decision he's ever made, and I'll make sure he pays for every ounce of suffering he's caused.

"Blueberry where are you lost?" I am brought out of my thoughts by Rohan, right now, I along with Maan, Meera, Rohan and Karan are out for lunch after shopping for our engagement outfits. It was decided that Maan and I will wear white and the others will wear blue.

"No where, let's order." I said and we place our order.

We all had a noisy lunch with Rohan trying his best to rile up Maan by being close to me and Maan being the possessive man he is, pulled my chair closer to him and we all had a heart laugh.

After paying the bill, we are on our way back home. I and Maan are in his car while the others are in Rohan's car. 

"What were you thinking back there?" Maan asked

"Nothing important" I said with a smile. He returned my smile and held my hand in his. We are sitting in a comfortable silence when his phone started ringing.

It was Ayesha who was calling him. He answered the phone on speaker and her words baffled us.

"Bhai, sav--" Came her muffled voice and the phone went silent 

Maan again tried to call her but her phone was switched off. I immediately called my contacts and asked them to track her. All this while Maan was calling and shouting on her bodyguards and calling his IT team to track her. 

"Relax Maan, first let's go to her collage and see when did she leave." He nodded and we left for her collage. 

Maan went inside the collage and I was constantly on call with my team looking for any updates on her location. 

"She left an hour back from here.." Maan said as soon as he came back

"Ma'am she is in one of the warehouses behind the old railway station." Came the voice from my phone

"Maan give me the key." I Said and ran to the car with him following me we settled inside the car and I started driving in the most rough way possible, we covered the distance of fifty minutes in ten minutes. 

There were around ten warehouses there. We split up and checked different warehouses. I didn't find anything in the first two  warehouses. once I opened the third warehouse, the scene infront of me boiled my blood. A boy was trying to force himself on Ayesha.  Without a second thought, I lunged at the boy, my fury fueling every blow.

With every punch, I channeled the anger, the frustration, and the fear of every woman who had ever been threatened. Ayesha's desperate sobs only fueled my determination. I rained blows upon him, each strike a manifestation of the wrath I felt.

He tried to fight back, but he was no match for the storm within me. My fists connected with his face, his ribs, and anywhere I could land a hit. A mix of pain and fear flickered in his eyes as he realized the gravity of his mistake.

I sensed Maan entered the warehouse somewhere between our fight and he went towards Ayesha and consoled her.

"You think you can prey on someone defenseless?" I snarled, my voice low and filled with contempt. "You think you can violate a woman and get away with it?"

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