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Deeper into the night, the world around me faded into an impenetrable shroud of darkness, broken only by the occasional shimmer of moonlight filtering through the canopy of leaves.

An eerie sensation clung to me like a spectral veil as I trod on the verdant grass, damp with evening dew, traversing a forgotten path to the unknown.

In this shadowy realm, I felt like a spectral wanderer, my soul untethered from the constraints of reality.

I wandered through the dreamscape of my mind, each step leading me deeper into the undiscovered, where the boundary between imagination and reality blurred into an elusive enigma.

Mist from my warm breath hung suspended in the air, forming ethereal wisps that danced around me like ghostly phantoms, mimicking the ethereal quality of my surroundings.

I outstretched my arms and probed the void, seeking something, anything, to anchor myself in this peculiar world.

My fingers, tarnished by the vestiges of unspoken darkness, clung to me tenaciously, an ineradicable stain with no discernible provenance or genesis, a perpetuating reminder of the uncanny nature of this place.

Argenteous moonlight illuminated the scene, casting spectral shadows, fluttering like wraithlike phantoms across the grass.

Ancient trees loomed like venerable progenitors, gnarled branches creaking and swaying in the zephyr, creating a dirgelike chorus that reverberated through the nocturnal stillness.

As the night pressed on, I could not shake the unsettling sensation of being watched. Unseen eyes tracked my every move and darting looks from the darkness.

Movement in the periphery of my vision left me with a disconcerting sense of being alone yet never truly alone.

I tried to move my head from side to side to gain a broader perspective of the strange virtual environment in which I found myself, but my efforts were in vain.

The situation was terrifying. I wanted to retreat, to walk away and never return, but even when I stepped back and looked for an escape route, stationary red boundary lines materialised in the form of walls and confined me to the same precise perimeters.

Loneliness, eeriness, and darkness suffocated me, a stifling atmosphere bearing down on my body akin to dead weight.

Strange noises resonated in the haze-like whispers from the damned.

I felt hot and cold at the same time, as if multiple temperatures warred within my body, threatening to tear me apart.

With a premonition of foreboding and despair so overwhelming it bordered on surrealism, I proceeded cautiously across the murky debris, hearing the disconcerting sounds of distant moans and gargled splashes.

In the foggy night sky, a menacing flock of crows swooped, flapped and cawed. I gazed upward, wondering why they were still awake at such a late hour.

I knew this species of bird had a unique rest-activity cycle called unihemispheric sleep, but they were diurnal, not nocturnal birds. So, why are they here?

As unpredictable as the night itself, the clock tower's chime rang out through the frosty air with a haunting tone of finality. Its technological prowess and horological excellence were evident in the complexity and precision of the melody, but the mournful tone suggested that something terrible was about to happen.

My footsteps faltered. I paused by the storm-weathered fence, feeble-legged, heavy-armed and parched-mouthed, and waited for the embodiment of nature to manifest, like a water sprite's apparition amid the misty ruins of the coastal necropolis.

The Lies He Told | PSYCHOLOGICAL THRILLER ROMANCE |Where stories live. Discover now