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| 59 | The Missing, The Found

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| Damon |

There was blood and fur everywhere. What was once a large hall had become a battlefield, and everyone was tearing each other apart.

Damon used his pent-up anger to his advantage. He used it alongside his brute strength to tear the wolf in his grip in half vertically, and when he dropped the mutilated corpse, he set his eyes on two of Kane's marked, scarred wolves heading for one of Raphael's team. The honey-brown wolf was struggling against his opponent, and Damon was the only one close enough to get to her in time.

The Alpha burst into action. He raced through the fight, using his massive hand-like paws to smack away any hostile who tried to stop him, and the moment he reached his honey-brown ally, he grabbed the wolf she was fighting by its neck and yanked it away from her. Damon tore the creature's head off before it could try to fight back, and then he swung around and grabbed the incoming wolf's throat as it lunged at him. He broke its neck and ripped its head off, and then he looked down at his ally to ensure she was okay before he left.

"Thank you," she breathed, staring up at him.

Damon nodded, and then he turned around and joined the skirmish closest to him. But while he slashed and tore and bit, his worry for Jackson held him in a tight grasp. He focused on his imprint for a moment, and from what he could tell, his mate wasn't afraid or in danger, but that could change at any moment, and if it did, Damon wouldn't be there to help him.

He couldn't let his worry distract him, though. Jackson would find the inimă; Damon was confident that his mate knew what he was doing, even if Wilson didn't—and he didn't trust that muto at all. What he had to do was take down Kane's army and make sure that Jackson's path was clear and safe. So he kept fighting, and once the hall was clear, he followed Raphael and Sebastien's lead deeper into the building.

There was still no sign of Kane, though.

When the pack reached the end of the wide corridor, Raphael came to a halt. He looked down the left turn, and then the right.

"Which way?" one of the wolves asked.

Raphael looked like he was concentrating, but whatever sense he was tapping into, it wasn't one Damon knew. The orange wolf didn't rotate his ears or sniff the air, he just stared...almost as if he was trying to peer through the very walls.

"This way," Raphael said as he turned left and continued leading.

"What are we dealing with?" Sebastien questioned as he moved past Damon and walked beside the orange wolf.

"Sixteen wolves on the ground and three guys with rifles on the balcony in the top right corner," he answered.

"How do you know?" Damon asked. Not only did he want to make sure that Raphael's assessment was accurate, but he was also curious about how he made it. He'd seen this orange wolf do things no wolf walker should be capable of, and a part of him felt cautious. Could he really trust this guy and his packmates?

Sebastien glanced back at Damon and said, "Heir Zephyr has very accurate ethos sensory abilities. It's similar to sonar; he can see ethos patterns through surfaces so long as there aren't any negating metals in the room."

Heir? "Are you related to Lucian?" Damon asked Raphael.

"Unfortunately," he replied.

"Someone will get you caught up when we get back to Reiner Manor," Sebastien said dismissively. "Get ready."

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