14.He is too complicated for her understanding

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Love you guys so much, we are so close to century 😭♥️😭 *am I alive?

Again, story between "*****" are flashbacks so don't get confused... even in previous chapter you guys misunderstood the flashback as a bad dream

And anyone interested in interacting with your author 👀╰⁠(⁠ ⁠・⁠ ⁠ᗜ⁠ ⁠・⁠ ⁠)⁠➝

And anyone interested in interacting with your author 👀╰⁠(⁠ ⁠・⁠ ⁠ᗜ⁠ ⁠・⁠ ⁠)⁠➝

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Everything was messed up. Their emotions, the tension hovering above the ambience, the pace of their hearts, each and everything was a mess. Continuous rushing of the nurses feet were ear splitting and the air in the environment was suffocating, strangling them invisibly.

The morning was like any other usual morning until they received the call about Ishan's car accident near the crossroads.

Meanwhile Mishika hugged Kashi, Ishaan's mother, and both shed tears of grief and exchanged words of hopeful consolation. Whereas Aarav was void of any emotion. He couldn't even pull his lip up to give a sympathetic smile.

According to him, unnecessary sympathy never changes anything. People will still feel the pain, they will continue to mourn. So neither he wishes for sympathy nor he believes in giving to anyone.

So he chose a bench a little far from everyone and blankly stared at the things happening around. He noticed how every time Ishan's parents' eyes lit up whenever someone stepped out of the Operation Theatre.

He intently gazed at his wife worriedly tapping her foot, her lips incessantly chanting for Ishan's well being and eyes barely holding onto the tears. His gaze lingered while his mind dwelled itself into spiralling thoughts. Back in his head he wondered if her reaction, her emotions would even be near what she is feeling right now if it was him in Ishan's place.

He would be tagged as a bastard if his thoughts rightnow get displayed for the eyes of the people. But does he care ? No. Because somewhere he knew inside others brain goes the many conspiracy thoughts which they hide behind the mask. Though unlike others he openly embraces the darkness with no shame, with no fear of what others will think.

People are scared that the darkness will consume them, will leave them in loneliness and taint their souls. But for him, the darkness soothes him, accepts his true self, enfolding him it's it's comfortable duvet.

For him light is a delusion. A delusion like his lust to incarcerate the rose he himself trampled. A delusion which is continuously tugging between reality and the impossibility. And darkness is the only reality amidst all this.

"Don't worry. He will be fine." It was his father's voice that broke Aarav out of his stupor. His eyes whipped to his right where Anubhav had an assuring arm set on Sundeep's shoulder.

Yami, after comforting Kashi, moved to hug her daughter-in-law, whom she missed dearly. As they broke the hug, Yami ran a loving hand through Mishika's hairs, her motions coming to halt when her eyes caught the purplish red mark on Mishika's neck. Mishika's head ducked low, realising the reason for the shift in Yami's smile and instantly heat washed across her cheeks.

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