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Also I love all of the thugs🥰

The way they all risked their freedom to free Eugene to save Rapunzel is so sweet. Like they fully were aware they'd get arrested for it but still did it for them 😭❤️




(Y/N) continues to fight against the guards with all her might, giving up on trying to convince the Captain to let her go. She attempts to ram her shoulder into one of the guards, the guard predicting this and grabbing her shoulder and forcing her angled forward as they enter the narrow hallway. One of the guards holds the back of her neck, restricting her movements greatly as she looks around in a panic.

Her eyes catch glimpse of a small ceramic unicorn in one of the cubbies along the walls, her eyebrows furrowing with confusion before her face brightens in realization as she softly gasps.

The door leading to the gallows slams shut on the Captain's face, followed by all other doors in the hallway that lead out. The guards look around on high alert, Captain scowling.

"What's this?" he demands furiously, turning back to the door and slamming his fist against it. "Open up!"

The small wooden window on the door slides open, Shorty smiling drunkenly in greeting.

"What's the password?" he questions lightly, slamming the window shut.

(Y/N)'s face breaks out in a smile, a small snicker leaving her.

Captain was taken aback. "What?!"

Shorty slides the window open. "Nope!"

He chuckles, sliding it back shut.

"Open this door!" Captain shouts, spit flinging from his mouth and his face a bright, angry red.

Shorty opens the window, shaking his head with a grimace, "Not even close!"

He slams it shut, Captain huffing furiously as he stands straight.

"You have three seconds! One!"

A hook lowers down from the ceiling, snagging onto the back of one of the guards' armor and yanking him up. (Y/N) jumps and looks up, as well as the guard on her other side.


The guard opens his mouth to shout, a large hand shooting out of the door behind him and grabbing his face, yanking him inside the next room as his helmet flies off him.

"Three..." Captain's voice trails off as he turns around, hearing the helmet clatter to the ground.

(Y/N) stood alone, grinning as she raises her hand in a small wave.

The door behind Captain opens as he stares at (Y/N) in shock, Atilla emerging and wielding a frying pan in his oven mitt covered hand. He raises the frying pan, slamming it against the back of the Captain's head. Captain falls forward with a goofy expression, knocked unconscious.

"Ooh! He is going to feel that later!" (Y/N) laughs, beaming up at Atilla, who remains silent under his helmet.

Vlad emerges from the next room, Atilla picking up the key from the Captain's unconscious form and tossing them to Vlad as Muriel hangs from the ceiling with a grin. Vlad unlocks (Y/N)'s handcuffs, (Y/N) sighing with relief as the chains fall to the ground. Atilla steps forward, offering her dagger and sheathe to her as she looks up in surprise.

"Thank you," she says with relief, taking her weapon and nodding in appreciation, glad to have her old dagger back.

Loud thudding makes (Y/N) turn and look back, dozens of guards breaking the door at the end of the hall down wielding swords. Vlad runs into the room with Shorty, Muriel quickly rising up back on the upper beams as Atilla grabs (Y/N)'s hand and pulls her down the hallway to her right. The guards split up, some chasing after Vlad and Shorty and others chasing after (Y/N) and Atilla.

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