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Chapter Two

March 5, 2015

The apartment building blazes with energy. From down the hall I hear the faint sound of cameras snapping away at the crime scene. My head throbs with all the chatter from officers in Isaac's apartment. With all of the noise it's hard to concentrate on what the paramedics ask me. They tend to my wounds, wrapping the cuts on my arms with gauze and attempting to stop the gush of blood from the gash on my head.

After being fussed over by the medical team, the prying eyes of my neighbors track me as I'm ushered into Isaac's car. The simple, yet comforting look he leaves me with before moving to the driver's side calms my nerves, giving me the reassurance I need to get through the rest of this morning. I inhale a deep breath and wait.

The roads are free of traffic and all the street lights turn green as we approach them. Taking a slow, steady breath of leather scented air, I look over at Isaac and stare at the slight stubble on his jaw and the crimping of his hair from lying in bed. His smooth features distract me from the trauma playing over and over in my head.

As we pull into a parking spot in front of the building, my heart beats erratically. My palms grow clammy as I reach for the handle. Fear of having to recall the events of the previous night plagues my thoughts.

Silence consumes me as I follow Isaac through the precinct. Several pairs of eyes from the other officers track me, making me feel like I'm the criminal. I close the jacket around my chest, desperate to make myself invisible. Isaac opens the door to a small interrogation room, motioning for me to step inside. The flickering lights in the ceiling cast an unwelcome presence around the room. Taking the remaining steps into the room, I listen as he explains the process from here.

"Have a seat. I'm going to get the detective and he is going to ask you a few questions." Isaac nods his head before shutting the door.

Spinning around on my feet I stare at the door. My hands shake in the pockets of my jacket. I lower myself into the cool, metal chair in the middle of the space. Looking up, I see the twoway mirror that separates me from the questioning officers and notice my blood-stained hair resting on my shoulders, the tears in my clothing, and the terror streaming through my blue eyes. The unfamiliar girl staring back at me causes my traumatic memories to resurface, sending shivers down my spine.

A jolt of panic shoots through my body as an unexpected knock at the door catches me off guard, and the beat of my heart can be heard from miles away. An older man enters the room. He rounds the corner of the table, holding his clipboard safely tucked beneath his arm. Gray streaks litter his dark hair in stark contrast to his youthful, round face that is smattered with freckles across the bridge of his nose. His chair scrapes on the floor, piercing my ears, as he places himself between me and the mirror.

"Hello, my name is Detective Richard Palmer. I'm going to be asking you a few questions," he says. "Would you like something to drink?"

I shake my head "no."

"Can you tell me your name, please?" Detective Palmer's gray mustache twitches as he waits for my answer.

"Camryn Rose Lucks."

"How old are you?"

"Twenty-four." I tuck a piece of my blonde hair behind my ear.

"What can you tell me about the man who attacked you?"

"Where is Isaac?" My words leave my mouth before I can stop them. Twisting my hair with my fingertips, I look down at the table. "I'd feel safer if he were here with me."

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