First Supper

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An hour had passed.

Evellyn was putting her earrings on when she heard a light knock on the door.

"My Lady, may I come in?"

"Yes, come in."

She replied to Lydia without looking at her, instead, she scanned her reflection in the mirror and her lips moved upwards with satisfaction.

Her entire appearance resembles a budding red rose.

Beautiful, sensual, and enigmatic all at the same time.

A fiery red silky long garment clings to her body.

She chose the right color that brought out her jade-like skin.

The dress fit perfectly on her body and it accentuated her curves.

Anyone would feel an intense desire to touch and hold her smooth slender waist firmly.

She looked extremely seductive.

In her long golden hair, she wore head accessories of gold intertwining vines with small red flowers on each side of her ears.

Her smooth and milky white skin was already perfect and her lips were shades of natural pink.

Added with her electric blue eyes that can make someone daze for a moment.

After checking her appearance one last time, she asked Lydia about tonight's dinner.

"Lydia, is supper ready?"

When she heard her lady's voice, she suddenly woke up from her trance.

Lydia then realized that she was staring at her lady for a moment.

She was a bit embarrassed that Evellyn caught her gaping.

Lydia composed herself and proceeded to her duty.

"Yes, My Lady. My Master is also waiting for you. Please follow me to the dining hall."

Anastasia nodded and said, "Lead the way."

Inside the dining hall, a man was already sitting with his legs crossed and was sipping his wine casually.

When the sound of unfamiliar footsteps echoed walking towards the hall, his hand that was holding the glass of wine paused on his lips and his eyes flickered.

She is finally here.

He had been waiting for quite a while now.

Although he was annoyed by her tardiness, his keen eyes could not hide his anticipation.

He could not wait to see her terrified face.

The thought of making her legs quiver from fright would be the main dish for him tonight.

In his eyes, Evellyn is a weak and delicate woman pretending to be brave and mighty.

Just like an ass wearing a lion's hide.

He strongly believes that he need not have made complicated schemes to have her under his power.

He thought that just revealing his true form would be enough to shred her pretense into pieces and establish dominance between them.

And so he thought.

Tonight's the beginning of her nightmarish life in the mansion.

He is bent on making her life difficult as long as she lives.

And his first and welcoming gift will be tonight's supper.

'Hmmp. Let's see. How strong your facade is, Little Lass.'

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