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Vivienne hated New York, most of the time. She hated the slim streets filled with trash, the rats the size of her shoe who had made home of the sidewalks, the underwhelming pizza, and the people— oh how she despised the people. Spending every morning making bagels and coffee for the unkind, ungrateful, and unbelievably infuriating people of New York was the most miserable 2 years of her life.

However, as she slid the key from her lock for the last time in a few months, she couldn't help but feel an uncomfortable feeling pull at her heartstrings. She hated New York, and hated her apartment, but there was a sense of comfort she wasn't going to find in any other city. Not only would she be away from home, but she would be surrounded by 7 others she was terrible at socializing with, and 1 man who she'd rather see under the wheels of the bus than anywhere near her at the moment. On top of that, their first date back in New York wasn't until well into their first leg due to the venue's scheduling issues, and it was one of the last on their last bit in America. Something inside of her screamed for her to run back into the warmth of her bed and avoid her fears like always, but she knew that was irrational.

Too late to turn back now.

She huffed, checking the knob for the last time before spinning on her heel and heading for the bus on the curb. The doors slid open for her, letting out a puff of heated air as she stepped up and inside. Like clockwork, she was met by Gwen rushing to the entrance.

"Vivi!" She squealed, barely able to keep her feet on the ground from excitement as she yanked Vivienne into a hug. She swung back and forth in Vivienne's awkward and hesitant embrace, eventually letting her go and placing her hands on her shoulders. "I'm so glad you get to experience this, it's gonna be the best!"

Vivienne gave a nod, her eyes wide at her friend's animated behavior. Gwen didn't acknowledge her expression, knowing well it was just Vivienne's antisocial habits shining through her lack of poker face.

"Let me show you around!' Gwen grabbed Vivienne's hand, tugging her past the entrance and giving the driver, a stout man with a braided beard and a faded trucker hat, a quick thumbs up. Vivienne stumbled behind her, looking around as Gwen gave a shortened explanation of the space. The bus wasn't luxurious, but definitely above what Vivienne expected. The floors were a fake, but shiny dark hardwood that covered the entire bus. Immediately past the driver's seat was a kitchenette with a few appliances and a silver fridge that bordered a dining nook. On the other side of the living area was two booth style seats with drawers underneath the cushions, and a small black table separating them. A matching couch faced a wall mounted TV and a small speaker system, before they were met with a sliding door.

"Everyone is unpacking back here-" Gwen pulled open the handle, sheathing the door into the wall. The rest of her band stood in the narrow hallway ahead, digging through bags and chatting. The only one to notice them was Ciaran, who gave a small wave before returning to quietly humming to himself. "The bunks were first come first serve, so the last ones are in the back. You get to choose top or bottom, since we still have to get Andy from an interview."

𝘛𝘏𝘌 𝘌𝘔𝘗𝘛𝘠 𝘗𝘈𝘙𝘛𝘚 𝘖𝘍 𝘔𝘌 - HOZIERWhere stories live. Discover now