I wouldn't mind (Cale & Choi Han)

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A week has passed as Cale's plan proceeded. His allies started to look after him even more, trying to make him happier. Ron had reduced the number of lemonades, exchanging them with honey tea. Beacrox had made him even more foods. The children stayed by his side all the time... Surprisingly, Choi Han also received all of those privileges, as Rosalyn and Lock spent more time with him. Cale was not complaining anything at all, and neither was Choi Han.

'But it would be better if hyung was here.'

Alberu had gone through quite a hard time with the nobles, too. If only he could be here, Cale was going to making sure that he could also get some rest.

'Should I make something for him...?'

It would be great if he could cook something for him. Like some soup or something.

Wait... Soup?

Cale just got a brilliant idea.

"Choi Han? Are you here?"

Cale called as he found his senior sitting in the garden with the Golden Dragon. He just had a "talk" with Eruhaben.

"Senior, would you like some kimchi-jjigae?"

"... Huh?"

Choi Han never expected that he would hear this word again, especially in this world. Eruhaben asked back.

"Is that a Korean dish?"

"Yes, Eruhaben-nim. Kimchi-jjigae or kimchi stew is a Korean dish, made with kimchi and other ingredients, such as pork or, scallions, onions, and diced tofu. I originally wanted to make something for Alberu-hyung, but I'm craving for this more than I think."

Cale responded back with a little excitement in his voice. He was looking forward to this, as it had been too long that he had something from his original world.

"What do you say, senior? Want to make it with me?"

Cale could see Choi Han's eyes beaming as his senior nodded in response. Eruhaben sighed as he saw this side of Choi Han.

"It is settled then, we are going to start cooking tomorrow. But first, we need another kitchen for this. I'm not letting Beacrox glaring at us with murderous intentions for the mess that we are about to make."

Nope, Cale wasn't planning to make Beacrox angry.

"Wait, why?"

Choi Han tilted his head in confusion.

"... You almost blew up the kitchen the last time, senior. Do you think that Beacrox will allow you to be in his kitchen?"


Cale let out a sigh at Choi Han's realization. His senior was a terrible cook, and no one could deny that.

"But I'm not scared of him."

"But I am. Besides, I'm not really letting you cook. You're only helping me with the recipe or the tasting. You are not going to cook. Not in my watch."

Choi Han nodded. He was sulking. Cale avoided making eye-contact with his senior.

"You can use the old kitchen in the Super Rock's Villa's backyard. It's a little dirty, but you could give it a clean first."

Cale nodded at Eruhaben's recommendation. He remembered that it was a small kitchen, smaller than Beacrox's. But it should be fine, since Cale wanted to have a place that he could cook in secret.

"I'm looking forward to taste it, kid."

... Looks like Cale has to make more for his family members.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07 ⏰

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