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Ch. 7: I just Like Negotiating

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No one disliked Anthony Ventura upon meeting him. He was a master of first impressions, inheriting the charm of his father and his mother's smile. Anthony was really the best right out of the oven. If anyone developed a distaste for him, it was usually over time, after his jokes got stale or after he spent too much with someone.

From the moment this guy, Knox's bodyguard took one look at Anthony, he hated Anthony. Finally, Anthony had a moment to get a good look at this guy. His posture was perfect, standing at attention with his hand hovering over what Anthony finally realized was the handle of a blade. Layers of black hair were cut just above his shoulder, threatening to wave and curl. He had thick facial hair and a dangling gold teardrop earring. He wore a simple all black outfit, pants, boots, and a tight turtleneck as if he woke up this morning not expected to be seen.

This guy took a hard step forward, his hand itching to pull out that knife and probably draw a line across Anthony's throat with it. The moment Anthony said, "I think someone is trying to kill you" to Knox, this guy took offense to it.

Scowling deeper, this guy bellowed, "I think you just got here. I think his royal highness was perfectly fine before you got here. I think you don't know what you're talking about."

Anthony smiled a little, trying to keep his amusement down.

Anthony loved confrontation.

"Thank you for your thoughts no one asked for," he croaked and cleared his throat. "I suppose I should've asked the room who else got bitten by one of those mutants. That's my bad," Anthony said, placing his hand over his heart. Out of the corner of his eyes, Anthony could see Knox was watching him. Anthony asked this guy, "When were you bitten and mutated?"

His jaw tightened.

"Never? So, you wouldn't know, huh?" Anthony's eyes flitted back down to Knox. "That monster didn't look at me once. It only wanted you and after it bit me and I started to change, I only wanted you..." he said and Knox's brow cocked and Anthony heard the second meaning, quickly correcting himself, "... your blood. I wanted your blood."

His lips pinched into a small smile, Knox nodded.

Sighing, Johnna popped up her arm to read the skinny watch on her arm. "We don't have time for this. I told Nino Ventura that we would be a minute, maybe an hour ago and you're covered in blood. I can hold him off a little longer, but not forever."

Anthony nodded.

Knox stood to his feet, offering his arm out to Anthony.

Johanna added, "We can talk later when we've all calmed down. I won't hear another word about killing Knox. You're not helping the situation."

Unable to help himself, Anthony grimaced, her words hitting his stomach wrong. Why did it sound like Anthony meant to try to kill Knox? As if he meant for any of this to happen. Anthony stood up on his own too fast and it was like his head struck an invisible ceiling. The room spun and Anthony lost his footing. He reached for the couch's arm to catch himself, but Knox grabbed him first, holding him up by his arm. Anthony slipped, bumping right against Knox and Anthony wasn't sure what made him dizzier: Knox's sweet smell, his beautiful face, or the incredible blood loss.

Anthony righted himself, using his hand to push Knox's chest and take a full step away from him, pressing his legs against the couch. Knox said, "Follow me. We both need to get cleaned up."

"Lead the way." Anthony motioned him towards the door. With a nod, Knox left the room and Anthony tried to ignore the scowls from both Johanna and Knox's bodyguard. Once, when they were kids, Bianca warned Anthony that if he didn't hold his breath as they passed a graveyard, some of the dead would come back home with them and haunt him. Out of habit, Anthony held his breath now as he walked through the room, following Knox anywhere and trying not to topple over.

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