The Council of Gods - Detailed Feedback

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The Council of Gods was written by Dark_Ghostie. This story follows the Zodiac signs, more specifically, Gemini, on an entertaining journey. Gemini goes on a series of trials that test her emotional and physical strength in the hopes of becoming a god, hence the title "The Council of Gods."


Detailed Feedback

What Worked:

I like how you capture the personalities of the other gods. Libra, for example. We get a strong impression of Libra because of his first line of dialogue being to bet on Aries and Gemini's love life. That's something I can totally see a Libra doing, so it makes sense. All the personalities for the gods make sense.

Later in the story, Taurus is convincing Sagittarius to go to bed. Taurus is being very stubborn and won't let Sag do anything other than go to sleep. It's very in-character for Taurus considering the traits of the sign. My brother and closest friend's sign is Taurus, and they are the most stubborn people I've met. I can absolutely see them doing this.

The plot of the story is very interesting and fun to read. The concept of Gemini going through varying levels of trials is creative and entertaining. I enjoyed reading about the trials you came up with. This is one of the few times I'd love to read a prequel since I think a prequel to this story showing the various trials other gods went through would be super interesting.

The trials themselves are pretty cool. Any of these trials could kill her or bring her emotional/physical torment, yet she goes through with them, which makes for an interesting book that leaves the reader wondering what trial will come next and how it will play a role in Gemini's character and the overall plot of the story.

The concept of the zodiacs and the council of gods is super cool. I haven't read many zodiac stories, so this is all new to me. Being able to dive into a new world with fleshed-out concepts and creative ideas was a lot of fun!

I liked the final fight between Libra and Gemini. I think it was a good way to wrap up the trials and also provide a good action scene for the climax of the narrative. I enjoyed the story beats you put in there, like Gemini spotting Aries and Virgo in the crowd and gaining a second wind to get up and fight because of them.

The backstory between Gemini and Aries is intriguing. I like the idea that Gemini knows this history about Aries, but Aries' side of the story is completely different. It's a classic type of backstory between two leads, but it goes a step further since it directly impacts the plot and character development. It's the foundation of their relationship, which makes it so fascinating to think about.

It's also a very easy read. Even though there's a lot of worldbuilding and new things to learn, it's written in a way that's easy to consume. Seeing as I haven't read many zodiac stories in the past, I appreciated that you made it easy to read.

I mentioned the backstory earlier, but I'd like to elaborate on Aries in particular. Aries is an intriguing character. I like his backstory with Ophiuchus and I think it has potential to be expanded on in future installments. You wouldn't expect the God of War to hold such remorse, which is a nice play on his role in the story.

Overall, Aries has an interesting personality, and he was also given more depth than I was expecting. Since Aries is a god, I was expecting him to have a different personality than he was given, so I liked how you subverted expectations in a unique and fun way.

The theme of never giving up is a classic theme that works for this story and the characters. Seeing as you've said this is the first book and there are more to come, it makes perfect sense for the first book to cover a classic hero's journey that will set up more for Gemini's adventures later on.

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