Chapter 1: Beginning

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As the kids are reincarnated In different parts of the world they live and eventually. Thirteen years later each of them embark on a journey that eventually leads them all together. Alvin now named Alluen has begun his lamia's right of passage. Will now Riku has been ostracized for being a vampire. Oskar now named Finor has just escaped from the clutches of a cult. And finally Greg has just begun the journey to reunite them all as Ellis. First, however, he has to escape his classes.

Snap! A ruler cracks across Ellis's desk where he's slowly falling into daydreams. Ellis bolts upright and sheepishly looks at his tutor Mr. Holls who is glaring at him. "Young master if you keep daydreaming like that the Mistress may double the amount of lessons you have".

Ellis pales and says "No no no. I can focus! It's just that I uh- didn't sleep too well last night because of the thunder yeah!".

Mr. Holls sighs and says "It wasn't even raining last night young master".

Ellis awkwardly fiddles before Mr. Holls interrupts him and says "Fine we'll have a 5-minute break. You must promise me that you'll try to focus more on your lessons alright?".

Ellis eagerly nods wanting to do anything to stop his lessons and his stomach growls. Mr. Holls massages his forehead with his fingers and says "I'll go get some refreshments. Please stay in your seat Master Ellis'' and walks out shutting the door behind him.

Ellis grins and gets out of his seat noticing that the window which had been opened on his request not having been locked again. He then grabs his sword and a dagger, a set of leather armor, and some food before carefully lowering himself out of the window and escaping.

Ellis then wanders into the forest behind his family's mansion. There in the deeper reaches of the forest rested Alluen. Ellis keeps wandering around going deeper into the forest until he spots a goblin with a club which at the same time spots him. The goblin rushes at him with a club and Ellis manages to block it with his sword and then stab the goblin who collapses. Ellis sloppily dissects part of the goblin and retrieves the mana core, and thinks "Hmmm since I'm running away I should see if this thing is edible".

He then shoves the core into his mouth and bites down. An extremely tangy and sweet flavor bursts into his mouth and his eyes light up "Hell yeah!" he says "This stuff tastes great!".

Ellis proceeds to go on a rampage murdering goblins and taking their mana cores, putting them in his pockets for later. Eventually, he comes across a trail of tracks leading around a river. He goes around the bend and sees a lamia with a curved sword and small shield fending off a group of goblins. Ellis rushes in and runs a goblin through the back causing some of the group to face him instead. Ellis and the lamia then slash through the ranks and defeat all the goblins without much more than a few scratches.

"Haaa~" Ellis and the lamia both pant and catch their breath before the lamia begins speaking.

"Thanks for coming to my aid. I'm Alluen. What is your name" says the lamia Alluen.

Ellis straightens up and smiles replying "No problem I was hunting goblins anyways. Oh and my name is Ellis".

Then the two stand in awkward silence for a bit before Ellis asks "Hey do you live in the woods?".

Alluen looks at Ellis like he's crazy and answers "No. Do you?".

Ellis replies "No. Though I kinda ran away from home so I might begin to".

Alluen raises an eyebrow and considers Ellis's words before saying "Well I'm currently doing something like a pilgrimage, wanna come along?".

Ellis's eyes light up in delight and he says "Heck yeah I've got nothing else to do anyways. Does this make us friends?".

Beginning Of A SanctuaryTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang