Chapter 33

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Hunters are attacking from the south! Anyone who is able to fight, do so! Make sure to get all the children and pregnant woman into the safe room!, the Alpha tells the pack through a mind link. 

Shit!, I think to myself. I'm betting that there here for my mate, but there not getting him. He's mine, and no one can have him. 

"Ali, go to the safe room." he looks at me in confusion.

"What? there's no way I'm doing that," He states firmly. 

"Ali, the hunters are after you, you'll be safer there," I tell him.

"No, I'm coming with you. Also, there after me, so if I'm in the safe room there go there, which puts all those kids in danger." why does Ali have to be so smrt sometimes? 

"Fine, but promise me you'll be careful?"

"I promise," Ali says. I smile and pull him in for a kiss. He kisses back before pulling away. "Come on, there will be time for kissing later," Ali says, assuming there Is a later. I give him a weak smile before we both shift in to are wolves and make are way to the sounds of fighting. 

When we arrive I see hunters with wolfsbane laced bullets and other weapon fighting with the wolves. Many hunters have been killed but they just keep coming. I notice a few injured wolves on the battlefield but none of them are dead yet. When this all over the medics will be busy. 

From the corner of my eye I see a hunter pointing his gun right at me and I charge him. My teeth sink into his neck I shake him around like rag doll until the bones in his neck are in pieces. I watch as Ali tares through a hunter and then quickly moves on to another. I join him, ripping apart hunter after hunter. We both notice a few hunters lingering around further away from the pack house so we make our way over. 

There aren't any other wolves around them, everyone else is too busy with the big group by the pack house. there's only seven of them so Ali and I can easily take them. 

Slowly, we both stock forward, making sure to stay hidden in the trees. Even though hunters are human, they are still good at knowing when there someone there. We watch them for a second before jumping to the clearing there standing in. 

As soon as Ali and I land in the clearing, directly behind them, we are both shift back against are will. Ali and I stand there in are human forms, naked and confused. Just then one of the hunters laughs and turns around. 

"You like that little trick? Got it from one of those witch freaks, yeah, but we had to kill her youngest kid to get it." The hunters all start laughing crually. the man who speaks is wearing something like a general's uniform. His hair is white, showing his age, and he has a large scar running though his left eyes and down his neck. 

"You fucking monsters," I spit.

"Monsters? Us? Oh, no, I think you have it wrong, we're not the monsters, you are," the man says.  

"General Robinson, are we to kill them now?" one of the hunters next to him asks. 

"No, Angelica, how stupid are you? We need the chosen one alive for the ritual." 

"Right, sorry sir, I apologize," Angelica says. 

"tsk, whatever, anyways, where were we?"

"We were about to rip your throws out," Ali says coldly. 

"Ha, your a funny one. Sorry but no, that's not happening. Instead, your going to come with us willingly or we kill your mate. We need you alive for the ritual," The man explains. 

"What ritual?" I asks. 

"Oh, you know, a ritual that will make it so every human knows what you really are. Everyone will be able to see what monsters you are and then we can't get rid of every last one of you. They'll see us as heros, while you all are the evil beasts that we defeated, the villains."

"You can't do that, it's not possible," Ali says. 

"Wanna bet?" the general retorts and I scowl at him. "So, you gonna come with us or do I need to do some persuading," he says and points his gun right at me. 

Ali, we can't shift here, but we can still kill them so on the count of three we attack, I tell him through our mind link. 

Alright, I can't wait to see this guys face smashed in, Ali replies. I fucking love this guy. 

Ok, one. 

"What are you waiting for? unless you want me to kill him," the man teases. 


The man's finger rests on the trigger of the gun. 


The gun fires and I dodge. Ali goes after the three on the right, while I take the left. even in our human forms, we are still way faster than humans, so it doesn't take long before I've taken out two of the hunters, and eye for the third. When all three are taken care of I look to the right to see Ali pulling his hand out of the last ones chest with something red and squishy in it. Ali clenches his fist and the hunters blood drips out of the vital organ in his hand. 

I look over to the general just in time to see a bullet strike me and my chest erupt in a firey pain. I fall to the ground, losing all strength in my body as blood gushes out. The last thing I hear is a pain filled scream from my mate. 

The Alpha's Moonlight Mate [boyXboy](Mpreg)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat