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Kayla's POV:

I don't remember what I dream about, but I know that it was a happy dream. There is a smile on my face, and I just know that today is going to be the day that I turn my life around.

I'm done wallowing.

I prepare for school in record speed with a smile on my face. As I walk out of my room, I trip and land on the floor, and I would have probably ended up with a concussion if not for the fact that I land into a pile of clothes.

Good thing I don't arrange my room.

I start to laugh.

Nothing can ruin my mood.

I pick myself up, taking one last glimpse of my messy room. Sketches, clothes and books litter the room. On the wall are some of my painted pictures, including one of an ice-cream at the background of a tattoo shop.

My gut tugs a bit. I put up the picture as soon as I was done painting it, but within the past three weeks, I've been tempted to take it down.

I turn away and walk out of the room, shutting the door beside me, and running down the stairs.

My dad is downstairs, holding pieces of buttered toast as he sets plates on your tables.

"Good morning", he says as soon as he spots me. "You look cheerful this morning"

I can see him carefully examining me, and I can't blame him. He has been so worried about me these past weeks, but now, I am determined to be happy, to give him nothing more to worry about.

"I'm feeling more cheerful Dad", I say as I take a piece of toast.

He gives me a smile. "Today is the art competition, right?", he asks, and I respond with a nod and a broad smile. I can't help but feel excited. I've participated in many art competitions before, but this one is the most important to me, because it is the one that my mum participated in – and won.

"Are you feeling nervous?", my dad asks, his voice tinged with faint concern as he leans closer towards me.

I shake my head. Excitement, yes, but not nerves. I haven't ever felt nervous when it comes to my art, and now is not the time to start.

"I'm thinking of getting a new tattoo", I voice out to my dad.

He looks at me in amusement. "More artistic inspiration?"

"I actually lost my artistic inspiration for a while, so I thought, maybe a new tattoo would bring thins back into perspective"

My dad smiles and he shocks me when he pulls me in for a hug, his hand stroking my hair.

"I know you've been going through a tough time Kay. I don't know what happened, but I want you to know that I am here for you okay? I'm proud of you, and if she were alive, I know that she would be too."

That is the moment when tears threaten to crowd my eyes. I allow myself the luxury of a few stolen moments in my dad's arms, before I clear my throat and he pulls away.

"Did you see what was on the news", he asks, reaching for a newspaper and I shake my head.

My dad and I make more small talk. He would have liked to attend the competition, but he won't be near the school at the time. I am a bit sad, because I would have liked him to be there, but I understand the nature of his job and I don't mind too much.

Soon, we are both out the door and entering our cars to drive off to our various destinations.

As usual, I drive fast, enjoying the wind tousling my hair.

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