9| Best Friends

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"Yay the park" A 2 year old Rose shouted

"Inside voices Rose wait till your outside" Papà told Rose as he go out the car

"But papà it's the park" Rose wined as he open the back door to unbuckle rose

I know but it's way better when your outside" he pick her up "cause then you can scream as loud as you want to" he poked her nose as she giggled

"Take my hands Rose so I can get your sister out" he told her as he put her down

"Buttttt papà the park" she whines

"The park will still be there Tesoro but we have to get Reign" he told her

He rounded the car to the other side to get Reign out

"Come on Sleepyhead we're at the park" He said as he got her out the car

"Nooo" she said as she nuzzled her head into his neck

"I guess we'll have to go home since Reign won't wake up" He took a dramatic sigh

"No I'm up" she said as she took her head out his neck and rubbed her eyes
He just laughed
. . . . .

"It's not fair why" I pouted "why does dad only pay him attention"

I ask dad to come play with me at the park but he said he was still training Kyle my older brother

He always training Kyle

So instead of Dad I got the stupid bodyguards that follow me everywhere I go

It's annoying that I can't play with dad or Kyle. Dad claims I'll learn why he doing this when I get older and later I'll start my training

He just talking I don't care why he's doing it I just wanted him to play with me

I came out my thoughts when I heard a giggle

"Woah they look just alike"  I said as I stared at 2 identical little girls

I watch as the girls took the hands of a man and walk into the park

They also had bodyguards following them

'Maybe they'll play with me' I thought as I walked towards the park

As I entered the park I saw one on the swing with the man pushing her and the other on the slide

I decided to go to the one on the slide since she was by herself

"Hi" I came out my thoughts by a voice  it was the girl on the slides except she wasn't on the slides but right next to me

"I saw you watch me and thought you were shy so I came to you" she told me
"I'm not shy" I muttered

I was going to go to her but she was already next to me

"Well I'm Reign and my sister over there is Rose and that's my papá" she pointed towards the swings

"Oh" I said to her

"You know your supposed to tell me your name now" She smiled at me

"Alastair" I told her

"Well that's to long so I'm going to call you Alis" I grimaced
"Please don't" I said

Either she didn't hear me or she just ignored me

"Alis we're going to be the bestest friends now" She smiled brightly at me

. . . . .

I grab the gun from under the pillow and quickly hold it up to the person who decided to come in my house

"Woah Woah chill it's just me" my dumb ass best friend said "Dang I forgot how light of a sleeper you are" he pouted

"Why are you here" I said as I put the gun back under my pillow

"Well I tried to scare you but you wokeee uppp" he wined like a 2 year old

"Oh yeah and I knew you'd be late for your fight today so I made it my mission to come get you" he smiled like the idiot he is

I look towards my clock 10:00 in the morning you have got to be kidding me " The match doesn't start for another couple of hours" I grumbled

"I thought maybe we could practice some more" he said

"Well you thought wrong I'm going back to sleep I hope the door hits you on the way out"

"I'm serious Alastair" he suddenly got serious "This guy been talking crap for months and i want you to not go easy on him like you do with the others"

I got up cause I know there was no chance of me falling back asleep

I knew where he was coming from this guy i was fighting was taking all kinds of crap about me but when he seen I wasn't reacting to bull he was saying he started targeting the people close to me like cap

Of course it didn't brother him but then the guy started making threats towards his sister and that's where you draw the line if you want to get Caspian mad talk about his sister but I advise not to consider you won't live to see the next day

"Okay you don't have to worry I'll make sure I'll deal with him" I told him

His phone suddenly went off

"New plan were going to the mall" he said as he going through his phone
"Why" I groaned

"Rose said she wants us to go save her whatever that means" he said

"Rose Romano?" I questioned
"Duhh" he responded
"I didn't know you were still friends with her"

"You know you were once her friend too" he gave me a look
"That was a long time ago"
"Whatever your going hurry up and get ready" he said as he walk out and slammed the door


"I didn't know Athena was with you" i told him Athena being his sister

We were now entering the mall

"Something about getting new clothes" he shrugged his shoulders

"ALASTAIR" I heard someone yell my name
I mentally groaned

We turned around to see Emma and Sophia

"Emma What a lovely surprise" Caspian said

She ignored him and went straight to me "I thought you were busy"
"I am" I rolled my eyes

"I ask you to go to the mall yesterday and you said you had something else to do" she pouted ew

"Well Emma your welcome to join us we were just handing towards the food court" He smirk at me while I shot him a glare

"Yay let's go" She change moods all of a sudden

"Come on we can ditch her when we get Rose" Caspian whispered to me as we walked towards the food court

I just glared at him and got on my phone

"Alastair" I looked up shocked at what I saw

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