「Chapter 12」

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Elias shifted nervously as Esther scrutinized him. He dreaded the questions about his origins that were sure to come.

"So...Elias," Esther began. "An unusual name for the Northern Isles."

Elias hesitated. "My, uh, parents wanted something different."

"I see. And where are your parents now?" she pressed.

"They died a long time ago," Elias said quietly.

Esther looked sympathetic. "My apologies, I did not mean to pry."

An awkward pause. "Well, I can sense great power in you," she continued. "With training, you could hone your skills immensely."

Elias perked up at that. Esther went on. "I have a dear friend, Ayana, who assists me in teaching magic. Between us, we could guide your talents."

At the mention of the Bennett witch, Elias had to contain his excitement. Learning from two powerful witches would be invaluable.

He inclined his head respectfully. "I would be honored to train with you and Ayana."

Esther smiled, seeming satisfied with his response. "Excellent. We shall begin lessons tomorrow."


The days passed quickly as Elias trained with Esther, Ayana, and Kol. His power grew exponentially as spells came more naturally.

He noticed Klaus and Elijah kept their distance, especially around Mikael. Even Kol and Finn were more reserved when their father was home.

Same-sex relationships were clearly taboo in this time. The notion of soulmates or polyamory was unfathomable. Though the brothers treated him kindly otherwise, providing food, lodging and friendship.

Rebekah and Henrik were fun companions in their innocence. But the looming worry of accidentally returning to the future lingered. As much as Elias wanted to help the Mikaelsons, some events were meant to shape them.

He knew he couldn't stay forever, that Damon, Stefan, Enzo and the others awaited in his proper timeline. But he wondered if he could guide this family onto a less tragic path before returning.

Perhaps he could sway Mikael from his cruelty, or protect Henrik from the wolves. Minor shifts that would ripple into a better future. There was potential here amidst the danger.

For now, he focused on developing his power and integrating into this time. When the opportunity arose to help this family while minimizing risks, he would be ready.

"Excellent, you're doing great," Ayana praised as Elias manipulated the water smoothly through the air.

She watched him curiously, impressed by his natural affinity. Esther was right - this young witch was special.

"Your control has improved remarkably fast," Ayana noted. "In just a few short weeks, you've mastered skills that take most years to hone."

Elias smiled, letting the water flow back into the stream. "I've had wonderful teachers. Your guidance has made all the difference."

Ayana tilted her head thoughtfully. "Perhaps, but raw talent plays a part too. Your magic is unique...somehow deeper than any I've encountered."

She hesitated before asking, "Elias, forgive my prying, but have you always known you were...different from other witches?"

Elias considered his words carefully. How much could he safely reveal? "For as long as I can remember," he admitted. "Small things mainly, like visions or just a sense of...endless power."

𝑨𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒕𝒊𝒄𝒊𝒔𝒎 - 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑽𝒂𝒎𝒑𝒊𝒓𝒆 𝑫𝒊𝒂𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒔Where stories live. Discover now