Flying private

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***I hope you are enjoying the story! Please like and send comments as it keeps me going!***

"We're here." He whispered to me, shaking me a bit to wake me up and put me down so I could get in the car. He was careful to block the mixture of people's views.

"My God, what happened to you?" Esme said, waiting in the car for us and ready to go.

"Her fucking cousin trying to use her to extort money out of me. Waverly, where the fuck were you?" James asked coldly as he pulled out to take us wherever we were going.

"I had to run to the restroom, then when I came back, neither of you were there, so I came to the car since I knew you would eventually have to come back here. Perhaps get her a phone?" Waverly suggested as if he hadn't failed his of duty of watching me.

"I will do that right after I fire you for being so damn useless," James yelled his anger from earlier coming through at Waverley.

Waverly just raised an eyebrow challengingly in the rear-view mirror.

"I think you have a harder time trusting people around you than you give yourself credit for. You fire me...tell me...who would you trust more than me?" Waverly said with a laugh.

James ground his teeth but dropped the subject, apparently knowing Waverly was right.

"Just take us to the airport, will you?" He asked moodily, wiping down his shirt roughly, making sure it didn't have any blood on it.

"Airport? Why?" I asked, horrified at the idea of even more people gawking at me like I was a chicken with their head cut off.

"We are dropping off Esme, then we are going home," James said as if it were plainly obvious.

"I see," I mumbled, sinking into the seat, not ready to leave my home so soon. I was excited to start my new life, but it had been a rough day seeing the reality of the two worlds colliding, my past and future.

I expected long lines and security that would take forever, but Waverly went to a small area of the airport that was secluded and took us to a bay where it was just us. Security did check us, but it was a very quick and informal process. I was puzzled until I saw the plane we were flying on, and I put it together.

"We are flying private? Are you kidding me?" I asked, shocked, never having considered such a thing before. He had been messaging people on his phone and glanced up to see the plane approaching.

"Imagine the mall chaos, but times a thousand because you're stuck in a plane, and they have you cornered." He explained patiently. I couldn't say I disagreed with his assessment, but the price tag was immense I was sure.

"Right this way, Ms. and Mr. Bramer." A formally dressed flight attendant said, leading us into the plane.

"How much is this?" I whispered as we walked in and sat down. It was a massive space with at least twelve seats, yet only the three of us were flying.

"I haven't the faintest idea, Anaya. Why would I concern myself with such things? That's what I have an accountant for." He explained dismissively. I bit my lip, wanting to say more about his money management skills, but kept quiet since I didn't want to anger him.

It would be a long flight anyway. I might as well let it be a peaceful one.

When I traveled before, I generally took the buses, which were nice but a bit crowded and smelly from the mass of workers that used them to get home after a long day.

The one thing I had noticed about James so far was that he liked things clean. Immaculate was a better way of describing it. He had told me that his family loved him and was perfect according to him, but it was very odd to be so scared of a bit of dirt.

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