36. His care

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Meera woke up after a satisfied sleep. As she opened her eyes, she saw Aashrit coming out of the wardrobe in his button-up shirt and pants with his hair styled nicely and a faint smell of perfume reaching Meera's nose. He looked more handsome to her as she took his appearance and her throat went dry.

"You awake?" Her attention broke as Aashrit moved towards her with concern clear on his face.

Meera then looked at the clock and her eyes went wide " Why didn't you wake me up." She shouted standing up as he stopped her by hugging her.

"Relax Meera!! I told Mom that you are not feeling well and also informed your professor about your absence." He said caressing her back.

Meera looked up from his chest only to find him looking back at her.

"Now get freshen up. Till then I'll bring breakfast." He said pulling away from the hug.

"No, I'll myself............." Her words were silenced as Aashrit shook his head and held her in his arms in bridal style carrying her to the bathroom.

Once he put her on her feet in the bathroom "Don't take a shower." He said and left leaving Meera shocked at this changing behavior of his.

As Meera came out of the bathroom, she saw Aashrit setting the breakfast on the table in front of the couch. He looked at her , patted the seat beside him and Meera sat there.

Meera looked at the food but she wasn't feeling hungry. She was feeling as if her stomach was already full with the cramps.

"I am not hungry." She said in a low voice.

Aashrit took a slice of apple and forwarded it towards her, ignoring what she just said.

Meera made a face at him and he glared at her almost scaring her " Eat a little bit. You need some energy and it's not going to work." Aashrit said pushing the slice into her mouth and she ate it.

A knock was heard on the door soon enough. And three servants entered the room.

" Fill bathtub with hot water," Aashrit said as they moved towards the bathroom.

Meera looked at him confused while he explained "A hot water bath would help you." He said giving her a glass of milk.

Meera looked at him with dreamy eyes. She didn't know what she did to deserve such a beautiful treatment on her ugliest day but she was happy.

"Thank you." She could just utter.

Aashrit looked at her " You want to thank me?" He said looking deep into her eyes.

And Meera got confused on hearing him when his next words warmed her heart.

"Then tell me every time you are in pain whether it's physical or emotional." He said putting his hand on her thighs.

Meera could just nod at him.

"I have an important meeting and I'll be in my office beside our room. So leave me a message when it pains or you need me, ok. Although I'll be back before you finish taking bath but still.....?" He asked her and Meera just nodded.

"I can trust you on this right?" He asked again while Meera nodded again.

Aashrit looked at his clock and stood up.

"The meeting might be a little long so just message me when you need me." He said standing up.

Meera nodded again at him while he craved for her voice. He leaned towards her kissed her forehead and proceeded to her cheeks as Meera's breath hitched.

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