six pill - rosendale

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cale henituse had been taken a lot of stroll around the forest since the accident they witnessed.

he usually go out of the villa of Harris village walk for a few minutes in the village before heading to the forest and return 30 minutes after, the children were always with him during those times

they talked about everything and he listened whilst relaxing in the nature

that how everyone expect the children saw it

cale had introduced the children to their grave the first time it happened. he just asked if they wanted to take a walk with him and led them here's he started introducing himself and the peoples who are meant to be dead.

he explained lee soo hyuk reincarnation and the desire to find him, the fact that choi jung soo works for the god of death after his death, some of his meetings with Kim rok soo

how relieved he was when they accepted him since then the children were the only one who knew it.

"say cale was there a time were in your childhood you go to the woods?"

cale look at his oldest child there's was curiosity in her eyes, he debate on it before he begins to sing

all children average 9 years old pay close attention to him

In the woods I met a man
Old as oak and staff in hand
Sunken eyes, but gentle smile
We sat down and talked a while

the children were all curious was this man the reason he liked the woods?

And he said, "I can see it in your eyes
You've been hurt a couple times
I've got the perfect antidote
To cure a heart of stone"
Tiny red pills in a big blue bottle
He put them right in my hands
Said this stuff can do wonders, take you to nirvana
Make you a better man


noise of acknowledge came from the 3 of them, the man helped him his depression!

I should've known something was amiss
When I saw his smile turn to a grin
But then, as he left me there so perplexed

gasp he wasn't, then what did he had given to theirs father figure?!

He turned and said
One to numb the hurt, two to ease the pain
Three to clear your mind, forget all the hate
Take as I advised, not more than prescribed
Several weeks ahead, you'll be fine again

the children were confuse so they repeated what they father had just say

One to numb the hurt, two to ease the pain
Three to clear your mind, forget all the hate
Take as I advised, not more than prescribed
Several weeks ahead, you'll be fine again

a chuckles escape cale has he watch them trying to make sense to his words

So I went home, my heart confused
Didn't know just what to do
I popped the cap and took a dose
After all, what could I lose?

the last line caught them off what does it mean?

And then I touched the clouds and bathed in sky
A magic broom, a carpet ride
Before I fell and woke in bed
Tried to repeat the words he said

he was human so it must be a way to describe the feelings? but it a weird way to do it

One to numb the hurt, two to ease the pain
Three to clear my mind, forget all my hate
What did he say next, I forget all the rest
Several weeks ahead, I'll be fine again

that was dangerous to forget the prescription, an overdose is clearly bad.
this knowledge worried them as they continue to listen

One to numb the hurt, two to ease the pain
Three to clear my mind, forget all my hate
Five could never hurt, just to calm my nerves
Several weeks ahead, I'll be fine again

he took 2 more then prescribe was he alright?

Tiny red pills in a big blue bottle
Wish I had the strength back then
Need to get a refill, chase away the evil
All the whispers in my head

this was before he met them so the whisper must have been because of his mental health

but why does he want a refill does the pills helped him?

But I can't find the man, I knocked on his door
His neighbors say no one lived there before

he tricked their human how could they does that

anger filled their little form as they listen to their guardian

So now all my days just blur in a haze
They go like this
One to stop the chills, two to ease the pain
Three to wash my guilt, forget all my shame
Five could never hurt, six couldn't be worse
Seven days it's been, here we go again

the children felt sad and anger for their guardian but repeat the words to get an better understanding of the feeling of their father childhood

One to stop the chills, two to ease the pain
Three to wash my guilt, forget all my shame
Five could never hurt, six couldn't be worse
Seven days it's been, here we go again

cale repeat again the last few words as to emphasize it

Here we go again, here we go again

sound of understanding czme from the children did it means that he's addicted to this medicine back then, why?

as if to answer their unspoken questions he sing, the latest words

To stop the pain, forget my shame

they hold their breath as it seemed that's every time he counts was his last minutes

the song came to a stop proving that it ended but why does it seem like he still searching for the man?

"why?" hong voice was small but cale heard it

"i have to pay back my debt."

a smile similar to cale when he attacks his enemies appear on the children

cale look at them and can't help but have contradiction between proud of them or the famous 'vicious' in his mind

he end up smiling with them and they finish their walk like usual not minding the look he receives from some.

Songwriters: Brian Nian Wang

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