三 small steps

484 23 9

You were 9 at the time. Training with your Sensei in the dojo. You were learning and mastering a new technique with your devil fruit powers.

The sliding door opened, and Shouga appeared. You turned and your eyes lit up immediately as they fell on him.


You ran up to him and hugged him. He smiled down at you as he stroked your blonde hair.

"My precious girl. It's your big brother's turn to train now."

Your brother stood behind your dad. He was 13 at the time. Fists clenched. Pissed look on his face as usual.


You were cut off as he bodied you causing you to fall to the ground.


Your father snapped immediately, yanking him by his shoulder. The young boy screeched in pain.

Kazuki then suddenly shouted at Shouga,

"You only notice me when I act out! I could disappear and you wouldn't even notice!"

You just stared at Kazuki in shock, your eyes already welling with tears.

His angry eyes then fell on you as he shouted,

"You're not allowed to cry! You have nothing to cry about! You're not even my real sister! You don't know anything! About me, or this family! You just live in your little bubble like the world is perfect! The man you call dad-"

He was cut off as Shouga slapped him.

So hard it knocked the boy to his hands and knees.

You cried in fear and ran up clinging to your dad.

"Kazuki. Say another word and I will make you disappear."

The boy just growled as he stood up and stormed into the dojo.

Your dad shut the sliding door and let out a heavy sigh.

He bent down to be eye level with you, as he wiped away your tears with his thumb.

He spoke softly,

"Shiina. I need you to know, everything I do is to protect you. You are the most important thing to me."

He hugged you tightly.

"My angel. My precious girl. I will always protect you."

Your eyes flickered open. You were curled up in the infirmary bed on your side. Knees tucked in against your chest.


Hadn't you fallen asleep in the tub? You couldn't remember. You felt so groggy.

You looked down at your body. Fresh T-shirt, underwear, and bandages. Your body still felt weak, but you didn't feel any immediate aches or pains.

You stretched your stiff body and sat up slowly.

"You're awake."

You turned to look at Clione who was approaching your bed with a plate of food.

"Captain says you need to try to eat."

Food. You weren't hungry at all. But the plate sure smelled good. He sat the plate on your lap as well as a fresh glass of water on the side of your bed.

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