14. card games

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chapter fourteen

card games

card games

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DAISY WAS NERVOUSLY fiddling with her shirt sleeves as Caius stopped in front of the doors and it surprised her a little bit to see that he was also looking nervous. Daisy had noticed that she liked how he acted in front of her versus others. With others, he kept his emotions in check and maintained a strong and authoritative demeanor but with her, it seemed like he allowed himself to be more vulnerable and open. 

He then swung the doors open, revealing a spacious chamber bathed in a soft ethereal glow. She stepped inside, her eyes widening as she took in the lavish furnishing.  A massive four-poster bed, draped in luxurious fabrics, dominated the center of the room.

"Caius, this is incredible," Daisy breathed, her gaze flickering from one detail to another.

He smiled, the coldness in his eyes softening just for her. "I'm pleased that you find it to your liking, Daisy."

"This is for me?" she asked in awe and when she turned to look at him, he looked nervous to see her reaction.

"Yes", he started but then quickly added, "But if there's something you don't like we can get rid of it or replace it."

"It's perfect", she assured him and wandered further into the room, her fingers trailing along the intricate patterns of the bedspread. The air was scented with a hint of lavender, and the flickering candles cast a warm, golden glow across the room. She then went over the bookshelves over the walls noticing many of her favorite titles among them.

"There's also a library on the second floor if those books are not up to your liking", he explained as he carefully watched her wander around the room.

"As I said it's perfect", she said and then noticed that her luggage had also arrived in her room. She would be starting her lessons in a couple of weeks which gave her plenty of time to settle in.

Her attention then went to the artwork in the room. Every inch of the walls was adorned with paintings, sculptures, and other expressions of creativity.

"These are beautiful", she commented, "You made these?" Caius nodded a small hint of pride and satisfaction to see his mate enjoying what he had designed in the room.

"Are you hungry?" he asked.

"Um, not really", she said still feeling the weight of the panic attack on her shoulders. They usually never passed that quickly but she had the same feeling she usually did, "But maybe later."

"What about tired? You didn't sleep much on the plane", he continued and it was almost comical to see him asking these questions seeing it was obvious he was worried for her.

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