Chapter 19

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The next chapter is here, as promised.
Now please give me your reviews. 🤧


The next morning Taehyung woke up to an empty bed. He looked everywhere around the room but couldn't find Sumi.

Thinking that she might be in the washroom, he layed back on the bed and took his phone to check for his important notifications.

When she didn't come out of the washroom even after half an hour, he stood up from the bed and slowly knocked on the bathroom door.

“Sumi what's taking you so long? Come out.”

There was no response from the other side so he twisted the door knob and opened it, but to his surprise the bathroom was empty with no Sumi around.

He came out of the room and walked towards the kitchen in search of her but she was not even there. He got worried and started searching for her in the whole house. It was a Sunday which meant no work so where did she go?

He thought to himself and went back to the room and took his phone. Dialing her number he waited for the call to connect but the call straight up went to voicemail. He got really worried.

He was about to go to his closet to take out a shirt for himself as he was shirtless when his eyes landed on the piece of paper kept on his bed side table.

He took the letter in his hands and saw his name written on top of it, in her handwriting.

He frowned, thinking as to why Sumi wrote him a letter.

He slowly opened the letter and started reading it...

Dear Taehyung,
I'm sorry to inform you like this but I'm leaving for my aunt's place. She's been asking me to visit her for a long time but I've always rejected her offer. I think right now is the perfect time for me to take this much needed brake.
And as you know things haven't been going really well between the two of us, so I think we should take some time to ourselves. To think about everything.  I hope you understand my decision and won't be mad at me.
Don't try to call me because my phone might not be working here. Just know that I'm all okay. Don't worry about me and take care of yourself and Jungkook. And Tannie too as I'm taking bronny with me.
Taee, Jungkook needs you. Please be there with him. He's broken, please help him.
Good Bye.
- Sumi.

(A/N :- I changed her aunt’s place. Now her aunt lives in Busan not in Japan. 🤧😂)

As he completed reading the letter he felt really weird. Because this whole situation was weird.

Last night Sumi was sounding so desperate for his love and this morning she left without even informing him.

And to top it off, she took bronny along with her. She never does something like this. This was so unlike her. Something is really really wrong. She's not like this.

He took the letter, quickly wore a shirt and came out of his room.

He saw Jungkook trying to find something in the kitchen, “Kookie.” he said in a rather desperate voice.

“Hyung, good morning.” Jungkook turned towards him and smiled but his smile faded away when he saw Taehyung’s facial expression. “What happened?”

“Will you please call Jin hyung and ask him to come here as soon as possible along with Joonie hyung? I'll call the others. It's urgent.” He said and Jungkook quickly nodded.

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