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arctic monkeys

"Good practice today." Ruff stood before them, watching them back their duffel bags. "We're in Philadelphia next week, gear up."

Aven slid her belongings into her bag, yawning to herself as it had become pitch black outside.

"Hey." Jack approached her, holding his bag over his shoulder. "You leaving now?"

Aven popped the gum in her mouth with a small nod. "I just have to run up to the spare office. Ruff was kind enough to gift it to me."

"Oh, sick." Jack congratulated, nodding at his teammates passing. "Need some company?"

She smiled, her eyes flickering between her father talking to the other coaches and Jack. "My dad is already giving me the eyes. I don't want him to think there's something going on between us."

Jack pressed his lips together, his eyes falling to his sneakers. "Yeah, I know." He dragged his eyes back up to meet hers, "But we're just friends."

"Meet me up there in five." Aven gave in, shaking her head as she held her keycard. "Dad, I'll see you tomorrow. Bye, coaches."

Aven clicked the elevator button, going up to the twelfth floor. She hurried to her office, pressing the keycard against the lock as it beeped, turning green. She flicked the lights on, setting her bag down.

Seconds later, knocks were pressed on the glass, she chuckled with a headshake. "Just can't leave me alone, huh?" Aven rolled her eyes as she shut the door behind him. She reached up, bringing the curtains down over the glass windows.

"Why so secretive?" Jack asked, plopping down in the spinney chair.

"Sorry, did you miss the entire conversation my father had with me." Aven cocked a brow, sitting across from him.

Jack chuckled. "I know."

Aven hummed, stapling her papers as she slipped them into the thick folder. Jack stared at her with a quizzical smile as she balanced the pen on her bottom lip.

Her eyes met his, her brows furrowing. "What?"

"Would you ever skate again?" Jack asked, leaning up.

"Why are you so consistent about this?" Aven sighed, slipping the folder into her bag as she shook her head.

Jack shrugged. "Your dad says you have talent. I just wanna see you."

"Okay, maybe like tomorrow." Aven smiled flatly.

"Nah." Jack shook his head. "That's too long. Right now."

Aven parted her lips, narrowing her eyes at him. "What do you mean? Everyone's gone, Jack."

"That's the point." Jack beamed. "I mean, we have the rink to ourselves. Everyone's gone but us."

"Security? Cameras?" Aven shook her head.

"Securities outside." Jack corrected, glancing down at the keycard lying on the table. "That lets you in to every single room. Shut off the cameras, dim the lights, get the skates, and..."

Aven covered her face. "Jack, if we get caught..."

"We're not gonna." Jack cut her off. "Not if we go about it smartly. This'll be fun, cmon."

"Okay, fine." Aven groaned, throwing her hands up in defeat. "Let's go."

Jack grinned, following behind her as she quietly shut the office door, it locking automatically. Aven walked quickly, Jack close behind as she placed her card on the utility room.

She shook her head, using the code her dad had given her as the camera system shut down. The two ventured down the hall, grabbing the skates as they stared at the large rink.

"Are you sure about this?" Aven asked, concern written over her features.

"Trust me." Jack winked, slipping the skates on his feet as he stepped onto the ice, turning around as he held his hand out for her. "Trust me, Aven."

Aven huffed, blowing air out of her mouth as she adjusted her skates, slowly walking over to Jack with a struggle. She took his hand.

Aven tried to her her footing, her feet slipping as she fell back into Jack, his arms coming to wrap around her, keeping her from falling.

The two laughed as she flipped around, she leaned back against the boards. "I'm just a bit rusty."

"I can't tell." Jack mocked, watching her face fall as she rolled her eyes at him.

Aven leaned off the boards, bending her knees slightly as she glided across the ice, passing Jack. She skated to the center, watching the Devils logo beneath her skates.

"Pretty cool, right?" Jack joined her, standing beside her as he glanced around the arena. "I can't believe I play here."

Aven grinned ear to ear, her face turning to his. "This isn't so bad."

"Told you so." Jack shrugged, grabbing her hands as she squealed. He wrapped his hands around hers, her laughter echoing as he spun her quickly.

She fell into his arms, feeling lightheaded. "Jack! You almost made me eat shit." She moaned, shoving him off. "Really cute. Did we come here to dance or play some hockey?"

Jack raised his brow in challenge, his eyes following as she grabbed the two sticks leaning against the board, passing him one as she dropped the puck in the middle of them.

"I'll go easy on ya." Jack pursued his bottom lip, placing the blade of the stick down on the ice as she mirrored his actions.

"Or don't." She cocked her head, hitting his shoulder as she grabbed the puck, jiggling it between her stick as she raced towards the goal.

Jack panted behind her, feeling the vibration of his skates made her faster. She hit it quickly, watching with pleasure as it landed in the middle of the net.

"Who got drafted here?" Aven teased, brushing the loose strands of her from her face as he shook his head.

"Come on, round two." Jack nodded, the pair lining up once more. Jack won the face-off, taking it to his goal before making an easy shot.

Aven stuck her tongue out, flashing him a thumbs down. "Okay, last one. Let's see who wins this."

Aven was quicker than him, grabbing the puck as she skated for her goal, Jack grabbed her, bringing her to his chest as he dropped them both to the ground, her falling on top of him.

She panted as he kept an arm drawn around her, she picked her head up, his arm falling around her waist as he leaned up on his elbows.

"That's totally a penalty. Maybe even ejection." Aven shook her head at his unfairness, her chest heaving.

"Sorry, love." Jack smirked. "Couldn't let you win."

Aven rolled her bottom lip into her mouth, her eyes falling to his lips then back to his bright eyes. "It really sucks that you got drafted for us."

Jack furrowed his brows. "Ouch."

"No, no." Aven waved her hand, keeping it planted on his chest. "I guess it sucks because I know we can never be anything more than friends."

also thank u sm for 300 reads!!

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