Henry + Punished

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Chapter idea by: TaliaSendi8

Natalia pov:

School started back and the first few days of school has been rough. Katherine and Mia are like best friends now. Jake is always in the hallway with Katherine. McKenzie is Moving away in a week and now I only have Hannah. The girl I sang with she is actually a nice and sweet person. 

We became close friends fast. Noah and Lucas went out for business work. So Right now it's Ryan and the rest of us.

Right now I'm in the living room doing homework as Henry is right next to me typing away on his phone.

"What are you doing...? Are you texting your girlfriend? I say it in a way to annoy him. 

"Uhhh shut up no I'm not." Henry says rolling his eyes at the way I said girlfriend 

"Yesss you are you liar." I say sticking my tongue out at him 

"No I'm not... just do your homework." Henry says annoyed 

"Who made you the Boss of me and can't you see I'm doing my homework?" I say rolling my eyes

"Actually I'm older and your not doing homework your chatting with me." Henry says annoyed

"Your not doing homework either your texting your Girlfriend." I say again to annoy him

With that he flips me off and I hit him hard.

"Natalia!" I hear from behind me. Oops.

"How many times have I told you this week to stop hitting your brothers huh!?" Ryan said sternly 

"But-." I say before Matthew  cuts me 

"Answer Ryan's question." Matthew says using a tone he only uses when I'm about to get punished 

"3...." I say quietly 

"So then why are you still doing it?" Ryan said mad. Oh god I'm getting punished. If Ryan ever gets mad which he rarely does, you know your getting punished.

"Idk but it wasn't even my fault!" I exclaim 

"Lower your voice, how was it not your fault?" Matthew said raising and eyebrow 

"Henry flipped me off so I hit him." I say as I roll my eyes

"Little girl watch those eyes of yours." Ryan says sternly 

"Ugh fine." I say annoyed crossing my arms 

"Henry did you flip your sister off?" Matthew asked 

"I umm yes I did." Henry says in a defeated way

"See I told you." I say rolling my eyes again

"Little girl upstairs now." Ryan say sternly 

"But." I say before Ryan giving me that look that says now

As I go upstairs into Ryan's room:

"Little girl do you know why your about to get punished?"Ryan asked in a serious manner 

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"Little girl do you know why your about to get punished?"Ryan asked in a serious manner 

"Because I keep hitting my brothers and I had an attitude" I say as I look down at the ground 

"Good now come on let's get this over with, your getting 10 with my hand and 5 with the wooden spoon."

One thing about Ryan is he hits very hard. That's why it's best not to make him mad. 10 of his is equal to 20 of Noah's.

I gulped as I laid over Ryan's lap.  

Spank! I told you- Spank! Not to Spank! hit your Spank! Brothers.

"Ow-ww Ry-yan."I say as I begin crying 

Almost done-.... Hitting-Spank! Your-Spank! Brothers- Spank! Is- Spank! Not a- Spank! Option.

"Last five with a wooden spoon.Almost done princess" Ryan says as he rubs my back and pulls down my underwear 

I want you to- SPANK! oww Watch how you- SPANK! Speak to SPANK! O-owww Me or any SPANK! of your SPANK! Brothers. Owww

"Your all done princess." Ryan say as he pulls up my underwear and pajama pants 

"I-I'm S-sorry" I say as I cry into Ryan's shirt 

"Shh shhh shh Your forgiven now princess... did you learn your lesson?" Ryan say as he strokes my hair 

"Y-yes I did" I say as tears still fall from my face

"You no I don't like doing that princess, I just want you to be behave and act like the Natalia I know.Ryan says as he wipes my tears

"I- I know." I say

"You still need to apologize to your brother though" Ryan says kissing my temple

"Okay." I say as I wipe my tears 

"And I want you to write I won't hit my brothers 25 times okay?" Ryan says looking at me as I sit on his lap

"Okayyy." I say as I get up.

As I get to the door Ryan calls my name 

"Natalia ?" Ryan calls 

"Yes?" I ask confused 

"I love you." Ryan say giving a soft smile

"I love you too." I say giving a slight smile

As I close grand door I knock on Henry's door.

"Yes?" Henry calls from inside his room

"Can I come in?" I ask 

"Sure ,come in" Henry says as I walk in his room and close his door.

"I'm sorry I hit you and I annoyed you. I just got upset you flipped me off I shouldn't have hit you." I say as you can tell I felt bad by my face expression 

"I'm sorry I flip you off. You were just annoying me.I should of took space away and I forgive you" Henry says chuckling a little.

"I forgive you....So are we cool now?" I Ask.

"Yes we are cool... are you okay?" Henry ask looking at me with concern 

"Yes I'm okay, I obviously got punished and I have to right 25 times I won't hit my brothers." I say with a sigh

"Oh well Matthew lecture me and pinched me and took my phone for a week." Henry say 

"Wait what about your girlfriend?" I ask concerned 

"Oh don't worry he let me text her first." He says chuckling 

"Oh okay good, I'm sorry you can't text your girlfriend". I say feeling bad knowing how close they are.

"Oh don't worry about that it was kinda my fault too." Henry says smiling

Well what's going to happen now? I still have to tell Nico. I have a play coming up soon. I meet a boy from Leo and I group in a few days. 

Love ya. New chapter either tomorrow or late late tonight 💕😊

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