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Monday came, everyone is busy now at works.

Deepak and aaditya were in an important meeting shraddha was not present in it as she is in the advertisement and writing department. After a two hour meeting. Deepak went to his cabin. Aaditya immediately checked his phone. It has  30+ messages from shraddha.
"I want a cold coffee"
"A dark chocolate also"
"Where are you"
"You are ignoring me"
"I hate you"
"You changed"
"You don't love me now"
"You are so bad"
There were many more messages like this from her. He started sweating in fear after seeing her messages. He ran to the cafeteria and bought coffee and dark chocolate. He was stopped at her cabin door by her assistant.

"I am really sorry sir but mam strictly said to not let you enter in her cabin" she said looking down

"Is she angry" he asked her hoping to get a reply like say no she is just busy.

"Angry!! , sir she is fuming  with anger. She blocked your number and. Told me to not let you

"And i thought there was a problem with wifi, but she blocked me that's why I wasn't able to send any messages to her"

"What you did sir"

"It's , leave it I will go inside"

"As you wish sir, all the best , it was nice meeting you"

"What do you mean, I am not gonna die"

He mustered up all the courage and went inside but only to get welcomed by files thrown at him. But luckily he dodged those.

"Princess I bought coffee and chocolate for you"

"After two hours mr aaditya"

"I was busy na Princess"

"So be busy , why did you come here, leave"

"Ok" he said putting the things on her desk.

"Where are you going now"

"You told me to leave"

"Before when i used to get angry at you, you used to make it up to me but now you don't even care about it"

He walked towards her and caged her on the chair with both hands on the sides of the chair

"What" she glared at him

"You know you are so cute" he pecked on the tip of her nose and stood up straight

" Tell me something I don't know" she rolled her eyes

"Take this cold coffee" he gave her coffee

She slipped it
"What you want for lunch" he questioned

"You" she smiled

"Of course, I am always at your service" he said again cageing her on a chair he leaned near to her. He blushed and sucked on her lips. Her hands were clutching her shoulders.
After making her breathless he left her

"Do you want more"

She shyly nodded

"Why are you teasing me princess"

"What did I do"

"You are making me hard when we both know , we can't do that"

"It's not my fault if you get turned on by a kiss"

"I got turned on by your one eye contact, your mere touch, your mere smile, everything about you turns me on"


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