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Dick: Go to sleep Marinette. You too Tim

Marinette and Tim: in the lab clearly in dire need of sleep

Marinette: what? I just woke up. Tim just woke up too, right, Tim?

Tim: in and out of sleep pouring coffee into a random wine glass

Tim: Yup I just- falls

Dick: You we're saying ?

Marinette: that's just him though. I'm perfectly fine. I took a power nap 5 minutes ago.

Dick: Really ?

Tim: getting up from his power nap on the floor

Tim: Yes really, and if you count the power naps we've take this month you would know that I've gotten 15 minutes of sleep and Y/N has gotten... Y/N?

Marinette: smirking triumphantly 10 full minutes of sleet

Dick: Sleep.

Marinette: Right.

Marinette: passes out

Tim: If you can't hang with the big dogs stay on the porch Mare.

Tim: passes out as well

Dick: I have to take care of everyone, don't I?

Dick: How long till Bruce and Alfred are back?

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