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~Fulfilling wishes~
December 10

The clock ticks away, the sound driving me insane.
2 AM. I've been inside this depressing hospital for way too long. My ears hum, as I force my eyes open. I have to stay awake. That's the least I can do right now.

Julius takes in slow, deep breaths in my lap, his stomach rising and falling peacefully. The poor boy has been through way too much today. I gently stroke his hair away from his closed eyes. It's been less than 15 minutes since Arthur went in there.

15 minutes since we were told he'd woken up... He was in fucking a coma.

Memories of Charles's car upside down, medics pulling him out of there, his body limp, flash my mind. They've done so for the last many hours.

Footsteps suddenly arrive in the long hallway, making their way towards me. Arthur appears in the spacious waiting room where i'm sat. The bright, white lights, shine down on him, making his face look even worse.

He's completely pale, the only color on his face, being his bloodshot red eyes. He gently sniffles, walking up to me. He looks so exhausted.

"He wants to see you..." Arthur tells me, trying to smile at me but his lips barely even move.

"Me?" I ask in surprise. He wants to see me? He probably meant Julius, that'd make more sense...

"Just you." Arthur clarifies like he can read my thoughts, gently picking Julius out of my lap. I stand up from my chair, not really knowing what to do with myself. Forcing my lips into a tight smile towards Arthur, I begin walking down the long, horrid hallway.

I swear it looks like something straight out of a horror movie... With careful, slow steps, I make my way towards Charles's room. I'm honestly scared of seeing him, scared of seeing the impact that the crash had.

Taking in a deep breath, shaking my head in a desperate act of waking up, I open the door.

The door creaks, as I pull it open, Charles slowly coming into my vision. And then... There he is.

Sitting patiently in the hospital bed, his eyes blank in exhaustion, Charles looks over at me. I hesitantly walk inside the room, the sight of Charles already making my emotions build up. Despite everything he's been through, despite how tired he must be...

His lips curl into a sweet smile, making the dimples I love and adore show up. Without even realizing, tears well in my eyes, relief filling my stomach. He's okay. He's still himself. What I before thought was impossible, happens as my lips curl into a real, genuine smile.

I don't say anything, my tongue lost for words. Carefully I walk to sit in the chair beside him, now seeing the impact that the crash had. His right arm is wrapped in a cast, tubes stuck in his nose and arm.

"I'm completely fine don't worry" Charles tells me, the shock probably clear in my eyes. All I can do is nod at him, biting down my lips to hold in my emotions. Anything can get me over the edge right now.

"Carolina," Charles quietly says my name, grasping my attention. "I'm okay." He assures me, reaching out for my hand with his left hand. His ice cold hands squeeze mine, his green eyes looking directly into mine. Fuck.

The touch, the way his fingers stroke against mine, his eyes. It all sends me over the edge, tears finally breaking free from my eyes, rushing down my face.

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