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Unbeknownst to clauis who slept peacefully, a dark figure with long hair had entered his room. "Is he okay now?" The Archduke asked, the only one present in the room was Nox, the most loyal butler of Clauis.

"Yes Master, Youngest Master is fatigued but life harming, Youngest Master has become sensitive to pheromones after having a early and forced heat, since master and young masters have strong pheromones, it might be Youngest Master felt uncomfortable." Nox replied, He was on one knee, his right gloved hand placed on the left side of his chest, his head bowed.

It was scary how Nox knew exactly what clauis's problem was even though clauis never talked about it, it was scary how attentive and observing he was, a very useful yet dangerous asset.

Clauis couldn't imagine Nox betraying him, Nox already knew too much about him, If Nox did betray him, it would be troublesome to deal with. Someone who knows you inside out like that, is scary. 

Nox was a child when he first came in, with nothing to offer to the duchy, he simply served the duchy with his body, training to be a shadow guard and a butler was not in any ways easy at first.

He had learnt how to kill, eliminating several of the enemies of the Martina Duchy, Gathering information, torture, how to hide and move in the dark, and several other assassination techniques.

He had also learnt how to be a butler, serve his masters, he was loyal with no doubt, he would die if ordered with no hesitation.

When he first received his mission of going to the academy with his youngest master, he was hesitant, full of doubts, not sure if he could handle such a mission, but his boss had ordered him, so he did it.

His stay with his youngest master was not at all that bad, he was free from his night missions, meaning there were so assassinations to do, he just had to be a butler.

The days with clauis were peaceful, his youngest master was not in any way troublesome to deal with, although he had to keep track of his youngest master's unhealthy obsession with chocolate.

To him clauis was a hard worker, working on projects, doing assignments, working at the club, studying and now doing all the preparations of the ceremony, he wondered how clauis does with that frail and weak body of his.

Alas he could only sit back and watch his youngest master work with no regard for his body and mind.

Clauis's body was very weak, despite him being able to handle the power of spirit kings, his body was visibly frail and weak, not to mention how abnormally (Yet beautifully) pale he was, his silver eyes, reddish pink lips, cheeks with pink hints, he would dare say his youngest master was the prettiest omega of all.

Although his youngest master was... Very interesting to say the least, he looked so much like the Duchess and yet he acted so much like his father, both cold hearted with stoic expressions, cunning and clever yet making several mistakes on the way.

But even Nox couldn't deny this underlying tension between the Archduke and his omega son. Others may not see or some may choose to ignore it, he was worried and concerned about it, his youngest master will explode one day and it won't be the prettiest sight.

He wondered if that was why, his master, the Archduke, Was planning on retiring and leaving the Martina Vas duchy. His heart became heavy at that thought, the gap between the father and son, seem to increase more and more day by day.

He wondered what would happen if the Duchess was still alive, would the Duke smile more? He remembered how smitten the Duke was with the Duchess, that proud man who looked down on everyone, knelt in front of the Duchess with no hesitation.

How attentive he was when the Duchess would get pregnant, how he would make the Duchess was always safe, how she would not have the slightest inconvenience in her stay.

When the Duchess was alive, the estate was the brightest, full of smiles and laughter, the coldness of the Duke would melt away and everyone was happy.

The night she has died, Everything was dark, the coldness had returned to the Duke, Nox knew, he didn't hate the youngest master, Nor did he blame the youngest master, loosing a mate was big blow to the Duke. He couldn't handle it, leading to him neglecting all of his children, Naturally the children grew up in a different way with no guidance from their parents, the one keeping them in being Legis and the Head butler.

The three children had become vicious and evil in their own way, finding pleasure in other's pain, thier sadistic nature knew no bounds.

And then there was clauis, who became an immature brat, he never really bullied anyone and everyone seemed to have understood that the young child only wanted attention from his family.

But the three young masters were busy in their evil schemes and his master had locked himself away.

Truth to be told, he never disliked his youngest master, he just thought how pitiful his youngest master was.

And then there was this big change in his youngest master's attitude, from the immature brat, he had become emotionless and numb, that's when the three young masters seemed to have realised their wrongdoings and quickly flocked around the apathetic omega.

The biggest blow to his stoic youngest master was the separation from his mate. And after that, his attempts of suicide, which caused him to be closed in confinement for about six months before he gave up on committing suicide.

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