Chapter 7 {EDITED}

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"We have arrived, grand duke." The coachman announced when the carriage stopped in front of the royal palace.

"Come back at noon time." I said as I exited the carriage. He nodded firmly as he replied.

"Yes, grand duke." Saying that, he set off, the horse galloping. I entered the palace, heading towards the meeting place. Why did he have to pick the royal palace, of all places...?! I subconsciously sighed at his indolence.

Once I'd arrived, I knocked on the door as I announced, "I'm here. May I come in?"

"Yeah, go ahead." I heard him sigh as he responded. Does he not know it's me?

"Put the files there," He pointed at the table, filled with stacks of papers. He then turned to look at me, his eyes growing wide in realization.

"Oh! You're already here, Leo!" My friend and partner, the kingdom's marshal, Henry Caine, called my name out cheerfully, which almost made my ears bleed out.

"Henry, please.... your voice is killing me." I groaned, covering my right ear. He's so annoying this early in the morning.

"That's a good thing, isn't it--" I gave him a piercing glare before he could complete his words, and he forcefully laughed as he continued, "Haha.... nevermind then."

"Did you already find out who the perpetrators were?" I asked, and Henry only sighed as he replied.

"Straight to the point I see...." He took some papers from the table as he added, "Yes, I did. I have their identification files with me."

"Their motives were unclear, but we know they were hired mercenaries from an underground organization. We aren't aware who their employer is.

Also.... We haven't found their real names yet, but they go by the aliases of 'Eleanor' and 'Theodore' respectively." He explained, passing the papers to me as I skimmed through them.

"We searched all files with their aliases, or similar names within the kingdom. However, we couldn't find any that matched their description or age."

"There's the possibility that they're from a foreign organization as well, Henry." I chimed, and he shook his head.

"We took that into account, but it is very unlikely. Their accent, mannerisms, and etiquette... it all points to our kingdom, Herreia."

".....Simply put, you're saying that you have no leads for the organization they work for, or their employer?" I asked, his face showing disappointment.

"No... none at all." He muttered dejectedly. Seeing him feeling down, I decided to help lift his mood.

"That is to be expected, Henry. It's only been a few days, after all." I added as his expression became less saddened.

"....Yeah, you're right." He murmured. I stood up and patted his shoulder, motioning to the door with my eyes.

"Well, shall we go and interrogate them?"


"Is your comrade unwell?" Henry asked the woman in the cell, as he glanced at the other person with her. It was dark, and only a silhouette of the figure could be seen.

"He's unavailable, as you can see." The woman mocked, rolling her eyes while she pointed to her unconscious partner.

"Well then, since you're clearly available... Ma'am Eleanor, would you please tell us what happened in full detail?" Henry replied in the same condescending tone. The woman, seemingly appalled by Henry's provocation, sneered while glaring at us.

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