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Is this where I can ask for a montage? Because we certainly need one after the week I've been having.

Everything has been fucking stressful. There are just too many details I'm learning. But among all those details, there are three things I should stick to according to him.

1) Don't act surprised. The mafia know how to read shit about your body. Always act like you have the upper hand.

2) To never trust anyone even if they're nice to you. The only person I can trust is him and he alone if I wanna survive.

3) I'm gonna be dragged by all the people around me. They could dig into my past, they could find the messed up shit and throw it in my face. I cannot let anyone see me as weak. The weaker I am, the higher the entertainment I will be for them. It's a cat-and-mouse game. Woojin is the mouse and I'm the fucking cheese that they would use as bait if I'm not careful.

I'm the fucking cheese.

For the last six days, he's been going on and on about not trusting anyone and I am tired of hearing it. I'm already going through a lot of anxiety because of it. I don't have a fucking choice or a fucking say in any of this shit.
"I wanna make another deal," I say as soon as I step into his office. He looks up, his hands hovering over the keyboard.
He takes off his glasses and looks at me to proceed. "Get Kevin out of here."

"Daisy, I told you before that he's gonna be-"

"He won't be fine. I don't want anyone using him as the cheese!"

"The what?"

"I don't want anyone coming after him just to try to piss you off. You might not care about his life but I do."

"I assure you that he's much safer than anywhere else in the world."

I slap a hand on the desk, "I was safe here too!" His jaw clenched at my raised voice but I don't give a fuck. "I was safe here too until someone broke into my room, remember?" His gaze hardens, "You think I can forget it, sweetheart?"

Anger has been making itself at home in his eyes these past few days.

"I want him out. I want him hidden. I don't care how you do it, but I want him alive and unharmed."

"Okay. First, calm down. You're shaking." I looked down at my hands and my hands were trembling for no reason. Maybe it was because I'd been having nightmares. It's either Kevin dying or Bobby getting shot. Or Jenny gets kidnapped. And even sometimes, I watch him get shot again and again and he dies every time. I rub the back of my neck and lift my eyes. He's not in his seat. He's making his way to me and standing close, holding both of my wrists, his thumbs pressed against my veins.
I look up, his height towering over me, "I need them to be safe." He replied calmly, "Them?"

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