Explosions of Beauty

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A loud bang echoes through the sky, 

Startling, it makes me wonder why. 

The tremble in my heart, a hint of fear, 

As I peek outside, the mystery nears.

People gathered, eyes fixed above, 

Amazement in the night, pure love. 

The once-scary sound, a revelation, 

Transforms into joy, a celebration.

I realize, it's not terror that's near, 

But a spectacle of beauty, crystal clear. 

The night sky dances with vibrant hues, 

Colors explode, a magical muse.

Witnessing this for the very first time, 

Beauty born from explosions, so sublime. 

In the midst of chaos, a canvas of light, 

A mesmerizing display, a wondrous sight.

There's beauty in the dangerous, a paradox, 

Light in the dark, a celestial detox. 

Joy amid life's chaotic swirl, 

A reflection of our intricate world.

Every burst, a reminder profound, 

Good within bad, happiness surrounds. 

Laughter emerges from tears we've shed, 

Achievement rises from hard work, widespread.

Fireworks never cease to inspire, 

Eyes shine bright with their cosmic fire. 

Igniting passion, a voice to be heard, 

In the symphony of life, our dreams conferred.

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