Chapter 28 - who gave me

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Adam made a quick sketch of Cameron's estate, and I posted it on my IG story if you wanna take a look. I think he did a great job. He is amazing to me.
IG @isabelleronin

I'll add Adam's sketch in the WIL highlight on my IG profile if it's not up in my stories anymore.


The rain started pounding my windshield halfway through my drive to Cameron's estate. A furious storm shook my car as I struggled to stay on the empty roads. On the way, I spotted a few vehicles on the ditch and an ugly head-on collision accident.

The cops had closed the road, and there was only one highway to get there. The sensible thing was to turn around and head back home, but all I could think about was if Cameron was back home safe. I had to wait over an hour before they opened them again. Weaving my way around the emergency vehicles, I sent a prayer to God that no one was seriously hurt.

It was useless to keep calling Cameron. My cellphone had no signal. The storm must've damaged the cell tower. I kept trying anyway.

I breathed a sigh of relief as soon as I spotted the imposing black iron gates in front of Cameron's property. As though I was expected, they were already open.

I drove carefully on the long, winding driveway, the brights in my car barely illuminating what was in front of me. My wiper blades could not keep up with the amount of rain running on my windshield. Lightning flashed, a sharp bright zigzag in the dark sky. Suddenly the mansion appeared, looming like an enormous, mysterious shadow.

I thought I saw something move in the courtyard, but when I looked again, there was nothing. I pressed the locks again just to be sure. My heart pounded against my chest. My hands cold and clammy around the steering wheel.

I passed the mansion and glanced behind it toward the maze, but it was hard to see anything but shadows. When my tires hit gravel, I slowed down to a snail's pace.

Feeling like an unwelcome guest come to visit, the pathway here was dark—too dark. Even if the moon and the stars weren't blocked by storm clouds, the colossal trees had formed a canopy that blocked all light. It formed a tunnel of trees, insulated like a cave. It had been over a year since I was here last, and I was only going by memory.

"I can't see shit."

In the darkness the trees looked sinister. As though they were trying to make me lose my way, as though they were hiding a monster that was waiting for me.

Just turn around and go home.

"Fuck that," I shouted, trying to make myself angry. It was preferable than being shit scared.

I had to know that Cameron was safe. If a monster popped out, I'd just run it over.

What if Cameron wasn't here? What if something bad happened to him and those assholes didn't let him go?

Are you worried about me? That's nice.

His voice rang in my head. Oh, if he only knew.

What if he was hurt? What if I don't see him again? What if I really lost him? A sickening wave of terror bloomed inside my belly.

Shut the hell up! Cameron's fine. He has to be. If I see him again—no, no. Not if, but when I see him again, I won't hold back anymore. I won't be scared anymore and I'll tell him everything. But I need the chance to do that. Please, God.

Up ahead, I saw another lightning flash up the sky, the boom of thunder following it. I held my breath as I crawled my way forward, and there, there, thank you, God! the forest finally gave way to the open field. I made it out! I beat the darkness.

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