Chapter 4: Regrets

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"Look guys, I can see Vacay Island!" Poppy happily announced as the sun was starting to set.

"Finally, I hope Branch is there." Floyd prayed as John Dory agreed with him.

Once they landed, all three of them took off to see Bruce but only found Brandy running the restaurant and taking care of the children.

"Oh dear, should you really be running around looking for Branch when you're expecting?" Brandy asked but only received confused faces from all three of them.

"Expecting what exactly?" John Dory broke the ice when one of the children blurted out, "Uncle Branch said you're having a baby!"

"Ehh, yo-you're having a baby?" John Dory asked as he and Floyd looked at Poppy.

"But... I'm not having a baby..." Poppy was a bit surprised and speechless. Why would they even think that, she thought when the realization slowly started to seep in. Her eyes widened as she made eye contact with Floyd who had the same bewildered look.

"Uhh... I think I'm still missing something here..." John admitted because he still wasn't getting it.

"Are you serious?! John Dory, Branch is the one who is having the baby!!" Floyd couldn't believe their baby brother was having a baby.

"Ahh.... Well... now I see why we're all shocked right now." John couldn't believe it either.

"We need to find Branch!! Brandy, do you know where he went?!" Poppy asked in hysterics.

"Whoa, let's all calm down. I believe he might have gone back to the village. Bruce ran after him so perhaps he'll catch up." Brandy was trying to look on the positive side of things.

"In Rhonda? I doubt that. Branch would make it back way before Bruce." John was certain of that.

"Come on, we gotta go back!" Poppy didn't want to waste another second just chatting. She quickly grabbed the troll's hands as she pulled them along and all three of them quickly ran back to Sheila.

"I hope you find a branch soon." Brandy yelled while waving at them as they floated away. "If I see him, I'll certainly make him stay put."

"Please and thank you!" Poppy waved and shouted back. Once they were further away she fell to her hands and knees.

"Poppy?" Floyd spoke her name to get her attention when she looked over with tears in her eyes.

"I'm so happy but so sad at the same time, why did he just run away like that? I'm I a bad girlfriend?" Poppy couldn't help herself from feeling down.

Floyd smiled as he sat next to her. "So very far from it, you are the most important person in his life."

"But so are you two, including Bruce and Clay." Poppy sniffled a little.

"Give yourself some credit, you're trying desperately to find him even though you have a whole village to run. That speaks volumes." John added while Floyd nodded.

"Y-yea, you're right. I'm sorry, I just..." Poppy smiled a little.

"Soooo, how does it feel to be a mom?" John jabbed her a little with his elbow when she lit up.

Poppy jumped up and pranced around on her tiptoes in circles while fanning herself in excitement before she started crying from happiness. "Oh my gosh! I cannot believe this!" She even squealed a little as John Dory and Floyd chuckled.

"I'm going to be a mother! Dad and Viva are going to be so excited!" Poppy couldn't contain herself when she hugged the two brothers.

All three of them then started picking out different names for the baby as they floated through the night sky, unaware of what was happening.


Branch fell asleep sometime throughout the night when he came to and noticed that he was now in a boat. He looked around desperately but couldn't see Vacay Island. However, he could see the shore and from the trajectory of the sun, they were heading southwards which wasn't good. That means they were getting further away from the troll villages.

"By the look on your face, I can tell you know what direction we're heading in." Creek chuckled.

"Why are you doing this?! For some sick revenge?!" Branch needed answers.

"You got that right, I was nearly killed and eaten, several times over. I've had to survive by myself for a long time. Then I found Vacay Island and started living there since it was easy. I was doing great but once I saw you come with Poppy and one of your brothers that time. It revitalized my hatred for you and Pop Troll Village. Then you made the mistake of coming to the island by yourself, not only that but you yelled in the middle of the restaurant where everyone could hear that you're expecting a baby. It was too easy! I couldn't pass up the chance!" Creek smiled as he explained.

Branch was now starting to regret a lot of his decisions. He should have just told Poppy instead of running off like that. Knowing her she would have been excited. Now look at the mess he was in. He wondered if anyone was even looking for him.

"Regretting?" Creek asked when he received a glare that could kill but he wasn't afraid. Especially since he knew what to do to make the other cry... actually, now that he thought about it. "I should check."

As soon as Branch heard those words, he instantly knew what was coming and there was nowhere for him to go. He tried to bite the other but his face was pinned down against the boat as Creek reached inside his hair to feel the egg.

"Oh, it's slightly bigger than the palm of my hand now." Creek let the other go when he sat back down on his side. He couldn't see branches face but by the shaking form and the small droplets of water hitting the boat floor had indicated to him that the blue troll was crying again. He never really pegged Branch as a cryer but it might just be because of the whole baby thing. At least he wasn't making as much noise as before and staying quiet now.

Creek rowed in peace.


Poppy, John Dory, and Floyd were all sleeping when something jostled them awake along with a familiar sounding voice.

Poppy quickly looked over the edge to spot Barb and noticed that Sheila was barely awake as she crashed into the side of the Rock Trolls Volcano.

"Oi, Popstep! What are you doing?" Barb called.

"Sorry!" Poppy quickly apologized as she had Sheila lower them to the stage on the ground in order to get some rest.

"What an entrance, I might have to try that." Barb said as she was cooking up some ideas for her next stage performance before noticing the other two. "Oh hey, you're from Bro... bro something, not really my thing but mad respect. I saw what happened on the big screen."

"It's Brozone." John corrected her.

"That doesn't matter at the moment, we were flying all night and haven't got back to Pop Village!" Floyd could care less about the band name.

"Barb, can you help us get back to my village? Sheila isn't in any condition to fly." Poppy practically begged the girl.

"What's in it for me?" Barb was only joking of course but the other took it seriously for some reason.

"Please, Barb! You can be an Aunt, whatever, I just need to get back!" Poppy was desperate.

"Whoa, take it easy. We'll give ya a ride." Barb only wondered what made her so upset when she fully understood what the other said. "Oh.. rad!" She smiled and quickly got their ride together.

They then set off for Pop Village.

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